Faculty Wellness

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As faculty members, we have many responsibilities related to our professional and personal lives.  It is often challenging to find work-life balance. Yet, it is vitally important that we care for ourselves.  Self-care enables us to be productive, healthy, and support others. Wellness incorporates multiple dimensions: physical, emotional, spiritual, occupational, social, environmental, and intellectual. These dimensions remind us to explore the many facets of well-being.  As we consider our teaching, service, and scholarly responsibilities, the chances of achieving balance and managing stress are increased when we prioritize our well-being. Likewise, when we improve our well-being, we may impart lessons learned to our 91视频 and colleagues.  As the 2020-2021 Wellness Faculty Fellow, I have collected and created wellness resources.  I invite you to learn from and use the many resources included in this Faculty Wellness section.

Dr. Alysia Mastrangelo, Professor of Physical Therapy, CTLD Wellness Faculty Fellow. Spring 2021.

Calm Lady Meditating

- (Video) The William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy











