Student Evaluation of Teaching

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Student Ratings of Teaching

Students evaluate their instructor and courses during the last 14 days of each term (7 for sub terms). Surveys are administered online. Stockton utilizes two instruments to solicit student perceptions of teaching: The IDEA Diagnostic Instrument (IDEA) and the Small Class Instrument (SCI). The IDEA Diagnostic instrument solicits student feedback on courses with enrollment of 16 or greater on their learning progress, effort, and motivation, as well as their perceptions of the instructor's use of instructional strategies and teaching methods. In addition, the system surveys instructors regarding their overall course learning objectives/goals and indicates student level of achievement for them in the analysis and report. The Small Class Instrument (SCI) elicits qualitative feedback (only) from 91视频 about their experiences in a course and is used for classes with enrollment of 15 or fewer 91视频. All pre-tenure faculty are required to administer the IDEA or SCI in each course they teach. Tenured faculty are required to evaluate half of their classes using IDEA or the SCI but may elect to forego student evaluations of teaching in some or all of the rest of their courses.

Survey Instruments


Self-Evaluation of Teaching