Guide To Residential Life: Emergencies

Stockton Police must be called in the case of any emergency requiring assistance whether medical, safety or accidental. From a cell phone, please dial 609-652-4390. From an on-campus residence room phone, please dial 911. Dialing 911 from a cell phone will automatically dispatch to Galloway or Atlantic City emergency services. Describe the emergency and location. If needed, Stockton Police will provide transportation to the AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Mainland Campus located on campus or they will call an ambulance. The Residential Life staff is also available to assist with emergencies.

Safety and Security

Security systems are in place on campus to assist in ensuring the safety of residential 91视频, campus community members and their guests. As with any security effort, cooperation from residents, the campus community and their guests is imperative. As responsible citizens of the residential community residents are expected to:

  • Keep doors to rooms, apartments and suites locked at all times
  • Carry keys and ID cards.
  • Never pass their keys or ID cards to non-residents, including guests
  • Never prop suite and front doors open
  • Never block or prevent egress through room or apartment doors, hallways, exit doors and stairwells
  • Access residential facilities through front entrances only

Any action that threatens the safety and security of individuals or members of the Stockton community will not be tolerated. Students in violation of any of the above expectations will be held accountable through the conduct system and susceptible to a fine.

Evacuation Areas

  1. Housing 1 鈥 A & B 鈥 located in path around Lake Fred just past Laurel Lane
  2. Housing 1 鈥 C through F 鈥 located in beach section between Lakeside Lodge and Oasis
  3. Housing 1 鈥 G & H 鈥 located within Fern Court, Housing 1
  4. Housing 2 鈥 A through F 鈥 located in front of the basketball courts outside of parking lot 6 Housing 2 鈥 G through K 鈥 located in front of the basketball courts outside of parking lot 6
  5. Housing 3 鈥 located in front of the basketball courts outside of parking lot 6
  6. Housing 4 鈥 located in the North end of the North parking lot
  7. Housing 5 鈥 I through K 鈥 in the grass between the volleyball court and the South lot
  8. Housing 5 鈥 L through N - located in the Northeast section of the West lot
  9. Chris Guapp Property 鈥 sidewalk across from building by flagpoles
  10. AC Kesselman Hall A and D - Boardwalk and Hartford Avenue
  11. AC Kesselman Hall B and C - Boardwalk and Lincoln Place
  12. AC Parkview Hall - 3430 Atlantic Ave Parking Lot
  13. AC Parkview Hall additional area - 3601 Boardwalk Parking Lot 


In an attempt to maintain safe and secure residence halls, the Office of Residential Life has established certain policies and procedures. However, these measures are successful only when everyone works together, follows them and enforces them. Creating a safer residential community requires your active participation. Ultimately, your safety depends on you. Here are steps that you can take to help protect yourself, your valuables and your neighbors:

  • Lock your door whenever you leave your residence or go to sleep.
  • Do not prop or tamper with the locks on the hall entrance or room doors.
  • Do not bring people back to the campus community who you do not trust and know well.
  • Protect your property by having Stockton Police permanently mark your item using a UV pen with your name, driver鈥檚 license number and state abbreviation. This service is available through Stockton Police at 609-652-4390.
  • Report safety concerns and crimes to the residence hall staff (RA) as soon as possible. Promptly report any crime to Campus Police.

For the safety and security of residents, suite doors and entryways must remain closed at all times. Contracted residents will have their student ID cards programmed to gain access onto their assigned floor or suite room. Guests can ring the doorbell during designated hours. Any student observed propping open the entryway of any floor will be fined. If the responsible individual is not identified, all residents of the floor will share the responsibility.

Each residence hall/apartment has a minimum of one window. Residents should be aware that for all complexes, the following rules apply:

  • No items, including but not limited to trash, may be thrown out of any window at any time, for any reason.
  • Do not utilize windows for entering or exiting the room or apartment. This is a safety hazard and it may result in damage to the window or surrounding area.
  • When the temperature outside falls below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, all windows in Housing 4 must be closed until the temperature outside goes above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Failure to do so may cause the heating and air conditioner units to freeze and cause your apartment to become flooded when they thaw. If it is too hot in your apartment, please put in a work order through the online work order system.If your window is found open when the temperature outside is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, the residents of your room and/or apartment will be documented for violating this standard.

A written working warning will be assessed to the responsible resident(s) for the first offense. For subsequent offenses the fine will be: first offense - $25, second offense $50, third offense 鈥 referral to Campus Hearing Board. This standard is in place to protect you, your personal belongings and campus residence facilities. Window screens are provided for the 91视频 in Housing 2, first floor of housing 3,4, and 5. Students living in Housing 1 who wish to have screens placed in their apartment must complete a Screen Registration Form that can be found in the Lakeside Office of Residential Life. Once all roommates complete this form and return it to the office, a screen will be installed. Vandalized or stolen screens should be reported to a Residential Life staff member immediately. If a report of a missing screen has not been filed, residents will be billed accordingly.

Fire Emergency Action Plan

During an emergency, proper action saves lives. For your safety, please familiarize yourself with the following information.

Residential buildings are equipped with fire extinguishers in accordance with the requirements of the construction and/or fire safety codes. Students are not expected to utilize these devices nor are they trained in their use due to the risk to their personal safety which could result from attempting to extinguish a fire. All residential buildings are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and are equipped with automatic fire detection and alarm systems which are constantly monitored by 91视频鈥檚 Police Department. Chris Gaupp property is monitored on site. In the case of an emergency, Galloway Township emergency services will be alerted.


  1. Full evacuation of the building is required upon activation of the fire alarm system. Immediately evacuate the building via the shortest and safest route. Do not use elevators.
  2. If you notice smoke, use an alternative secondary evacuation route.
  3. When leaving a room or entering a stairwell, feel the doorknob or handle, or touch the door with the back of your hand before opening it. If the doorknob, handle or door is hot to the touch, DO NOT open the door. If the door is not hot, open the door slightly. If intense heat or thick smoke is present, DO NOT open the door any further, close the door and stay inside the room. If you are unable to evacuate your room, seal the bottom edge of the door with wet clothing, towels or bedding to prevent smoke from entering. Hang a white or light colored object such as a sheet or towel out the window to attract attention of the firefighters. Check paths for safety before proceeding and close doors behind you.
  4. If you are able to evacuate your room and light smoke is present, use an alternative escape route if possible to avoid the smoke. If you have to go through the smoke, keep low and as close to the floor as possible.
  5. Go to the pre-assigned exterior evacuation assembly points for your building. Each building鈥檚 assembly point is referenced on page 56.
  6.  If you suspect that someone is missing or trapped, contact the emergency personnel outside the building or call the Campus Police Department by dialing 911 from campus phones or 609-652-4390 from a cell phone and provide them with information about the location and person鈥檚 name and/or identity.
  7. If you are trapped during a fire emergency, close all doors between you and the fire. Stuff cracks around the doors to keep out smoke. Wait at a safe window and hang a white or light colored object such as a sheet or towel out the window to attract attention of the firefighters. Call the Stockton Police Department by dialing 911 from campus phones or 609-652-4390 from a cell phone and tell them exactly where you are.

Stop, drop and roll if your clothing catches fire.

  1. Leave the fire area and close the door to the area.
  2. Activate the fire alarm.
  3. Immediately evacuate the building via the shortest and safest route.
  4. Do not use elevators. A fire can disrupt the operation of elevators and trap occupants inside.
  5. If you notice smoke, use the alternate secondary escape route.
  6. When leaving a room or entering a stairwell, feel the doorknob or handle, or touch the door with the back of your hand before opening it. If the doorknob, handle or door is hot to the touch DO NOT open the door. If the door is not hot, open the door slightly. If intense heat or thick smoke is present, DO NOT open the door any further, close the door and stay inside the room. If you are unable to evacuate your room, seal the bottom edge of the door with wet clothing, towels or bedding to prevent smoke from entering. Hang a white or light colored object such as a sheet or towel out the window to attract attention of the firefighters. Check paths for safety before proceeding and close doors behind you.
  7. If you have to go through the smoke, keep low and as close to the floor as possible.
  8. Go to pre-assigned exterior evacuation assembly points for your building. Maps of all assembly points will be posted throughout each building and all Graduate Coordinators and Resident Assistants will be made aware of each assembly point鈥檚 designated location. Locations are as follows at time of publication:
    1. Housing 1 鈥 A & B 鈥 located in path around Lake Fred just past Laurel Lane
    2. Housing 1 鈥 C through F 鈥 located in beach section between Lakeside Lodge and Oasis
    3. Housing 1 鈥 G & H 鈥 located within Fern Court, Housing 1
    4. Housing 2 鈥 A through F 鈥 located in front of the basketball courts outside of parking lot 6 Housing 2 鈥 G through K 鈥 located in front of the basketball courts outside of parking lot 6
    5. Housing 3 鈥 located in front of the basketball courts outside of parking lot 6
    6. Housing 4 鈥 located in the North end of the North parking lot
    7. Housing 5 鈥 I through K 鈥 in the grass between the volleyball court and the South lot
    8. Housing 5 鈥 L through N - located in the Northeast section of the West lot
    9. Chris Guapp Property 鈥 sidewalk across from building by flagpoles
    10. AC Residential Buildings A and D - Boardwalk and Hartford Avenue
    11. AC Residential Buildings B and C - Boardwalk and Lincoln Place
  9. Call the Stockton Police Department by dialing 911 from campus phones in a safe area or 609-652-4390 from a cell phone and tell them exactly what you discovered and the location.
  10. If you suspect that someone is missing or trapped, contact the emergency personnel outside the building or call the Stockton Police Department by dialing 911 from campus phones or 609-652-4390 from a cell phone and provide them with information about the location and person鈥檚 name and/or identity.

If you are trapped during a fire emergency, close all doors between you and the fire and stuff cracks around the doors to keep out smoke. Wait at a safe window and signal/call for help. If there is a phone in the room, call the Campus Police Department by dialing 911 from a campus phone or 609-652-4390 from a cell phone and tell them exactly where you are.

  1. Call 911 from a cell phone or the nearest phone in the safe area.
  2. If you suspect that someone is missing or trapped, contact the emergency personnel outside the building or call the Stockton Police Department by dialing 911 from campus phones or 609-652-4390 from a cell phone and provide them with information about the location and person鈥檚 name and/or identity.
  3. Await emergency response personnel at the safe location and provide them with any relevant information that could assist them.
  4. Follow directions of fire and police personnel and the Residential Life staff.
  5. Report to the person who is taking roll.
  6. Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by the fire and police department.
  7. Never re-enter the building to save your personal belongings.
  8. Stay calm.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detectors

Please be advised of the information concerning CO detectors. Anytime the carbon monoxide detector alarm sounds, all residents should assume there is a carbon monoxide situation and follow these steps:

  1. Exit the building/apartment quickly. Please note: Carbon Monoxide detectors are not networked. They operate individually, and only the areas within hearing distance of the sounding alarm need to evacuate unless a Stockton Police Officer or Fire Department Official directs otherwise.
  2. Go to the pre-assigned exterior evacuation assembly points for your building. Each building鈥檚 assembly point is referenced in the section above.
  3. Use the emergency phones or the nearest available campus phone (dial 911) outside the 300-feet parameter, to confirm with Stockton Police that a carbon monoxide detector has been activated. If using a cell phone, dial 609-652-4390.
  4. Remain outside as a group and wait until the emergency personnel have spoken with you and given you permission to re-enter the building (i.e., Stockton Police Officer or Fire Department Official). Residents or guests re-entering the building prior to being given permission are subject to disciplinary action.
  5. Tampering with a CO detector may result in criminal, civil, and/or disciplinary action. For more information about carbon monoxide safety, contact Environment Health and Safety at 609-652-4496.

Fire Suppression System

Housing facilities are equipped with a fire suppression (sprinkler) system that is designed to activate in case of fire. Activating this system through frivolous actions or tampering with will result in fines, restitution and/or disciplinary action including possible loss of campus housing privileges. Activating this system will cause significant damage to the unit and extreme care must be taken to prevent any frivolous or unnecessary activation. Items may not be hung from or attached to the piping, sprinkler heads or soffits associated with this system. Any actions that may cause damage to the system are prohibited. Violators are subject to fines with the fine doubling for each additional offense, along with possible disciplinary action.

Medical Emergencies

Medical emergencies, including accidents, injuries or serious illnesses, may occur. After you have determined the nature of the emergency, it is imperative that you get professional help as quickly as possible. If you call from a cell phone, please dial 609-652-4390. If you call from your room phone, please dial 911. Dialing 911 from a cell phone will automatically dispatch to Galloway Township or Atlantic City emergency services; describe the emergency and location.

The Office of Residential Life may become aware of a medical concern compromising the student鈥檚 health, safety and/or ability to reside on campus. The University may then require medical documentation stating the student is able to maintain independent life functioning while residing on campus and is able to fully participate in academic life. The documentation must come from a board certified physician and follow Stockton鈥檚 documentation guidelines.

The documentation is subject to review by University staff.

The Stockton Atlantic City Residential Complex is in close proximity to a public beach in Atlantic City, NJ. The Office of Residential Life encourages each student to take personal responsibility for ocean safety. Swimming in the ocean is different than swimming in a pool. Swimmers should only enter the water at a lifeguard-protected beach, within the designated swimming area. Swimmers should obey all instructions and orders from lifeguards.

Swimmers must take responsibility to be alert, never swim alone, and check the local weather conditions. Additional ocean safety tips can be found on .

Take precautions to secure personal property (e.g. locking your door, engraving your possessions, registering your bike). Students must also consider their personal security and be aware of vulnerable situations. It is best for 91视频 to keep roommates and neighbors informed about each other鈥檚 whereabouts and return time. When possible, travel with a friend and check campus maps for the best lighted paths. Report any suspicious activity immediately to the RA, GC, or Stockton police, and never leave outside doors or room doors ajar. With so many people (and bikes, computers, and stereos, etc.) living together, the halls are prime target for crimes of opportunity, like thefts. Students鈥 careful attention to security is in everyone鈥檚 best interests.

The University expects all 91视频 to report crimes immediately by contacting the Stockton Police. Fire, police or medical emergencies can be reported in person or by dialing 609- 652-4390 from any telephone on campus. Emergency aid can also be requested using the blue light emergency system located along walking paths.

Video cameras in the lobbies and exteriors of some residence halls have been installed to deter theft and vandalism. The cameras will store images to a computer for later viewing. Footage is not monitored so residents should take normal security precautions and not rely on the cameras as a security measure.

Missing Student Guidelines

Anyone who believes a 91视频 residential student is missing shall immediately make a report with the 91视频 Police Department at 609-652-4390, at extension 4390 from an on campus phone, in person at Building 71 on the Galloway Campus, or in person at the University Police substation on the AC Gateway campus.  In the event a report of a missing residential student is received by any other University office, that information must immediately be referred to University Police.

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), residents of 91视频鈥檚 campus housing are given the option annually of designating a confidential contact, who is an individual to be notified within twenty-four hours of the determination the student has been missing for twenty-four hours.   The confidential contact鈥檚 name will solely be used for missing person notification purposes, shall only be accessible to authorized campus officials and may not be disclosed, except to law enforcement personnel to aid in a missing person investigation. In order to elect to identify a specific person to be contacted by the institution, please email housing@ and indicate 鈥淢issing Person Report Contact鈥 in the subject line.

If a residential student is reported missing and University or local police determine that the student has been missing for twenty-four hours, the confidential contact, if such contact was provided to the Office of Residential Life, must be notified within twenty-four hours of that determination. 

If the residential student is under eighteen years of age and not emancipated, and University or local police determine that the student has been missing for twenty-four hours, a custodial parent or guardian, as well as any confidential contact registered by the student, must be notified within twenty-four hours of that determination. 

If a residential student is determined to be missing for twenty-four hours, University Police will notify the local police department with jurisdiction in the area within twenty-four hours of that determination.

Nothing in this procedure shall preclude 91视频 from notifying a residential student鈥檚 confidential contact or other emergency contact prior to the required twenty-four hour time period.

Emergency Contact

The Office of Residential Life holds the safety and security of the residential population a primary concern. All residential 91视频 are required to provide emergency contact information as a part of the check in process. This information will be utilized in cases of emergency. The emergency information also asks for a listing of all medical conditions or allergies for notification of medical personnel in case of emergencies.

The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to contact a parent or legal guardian or listed emergency contact at the discretion of the Director of Residential Life or designee.