Housing Renewal
Current Residential and Commuter Students
Students should review the important information regarding the housing renewal process. This process only applies to 91视频 who currently live in campus housing or are currently commuters of 91视频.
Current Students are required to attend one of the Mandatory Housing Renewal Information Sessions offered during the Fall and Spring semesters prior to the upcoming academic year. These session dates are available below, and 91视频 will receive reminders to their Stockton Email.
If a student misses the deadline for the Application Phase below, they will not be able to continue in the Selection Phase. They will be placed on a wait list and provided a Housing Assignment in the first available space later in the summer.
If there are any questions regarding this process 91视频 should contact the Office of Residential Life by emailing housing@stockton.edu or calling 609-652-4697.
The Academic Year 2025-2026 renewal process begins on January 15, 2025.
The Academic Year 2025-2026 renewal process ends on April 4, 2025.
The next virtual information session details are below. A full list of planned sessions can be found in the table below.
Our office will host a planned Virtual session during Spring Break on Wednesday, March 12, 2025.
Housing Renewal Information Session #11
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Zoom Link:
New First-Year and Transfer Students
Once you are admitted to 91视频 and have submitted your enrollment deposit, housing options will be presented to you based upon your status as a freshmen or transfer student. You should closely review your options and complete your housing application as soon as possible which will improve your chances of living in the style of room and your requested roommate.
Through the housing application you can access the roommate finder tool and self-select the style of room you would like to live in. Requests can never be guaranteed, however Residential Life prioritizes roommates matches over the style of room based upon student feedback. Students who sign the contract agree to live on campus for the entire academic year, please read the document carefully prior to signing it.
For New First-Year and Transfer Students, it will be the only time your assignment is created for you. In following years, 91视频 participate in the Housing Renewal Process.
Students should review the due dates of the phases for the Academic Year 2025-2026 housing renewal process.
Between January 15th, 2025 and April 4th, 2025, please log into your Housing Portal to sign the Housing Contract and pay the eDeposit for the Academic Year 2025-2026 Housing Application. You will confirm your 9-Month Contract, but have the option to add Winter and/or Summer Housing. Adding both additional terms will sign you up for a 12-Month Contract. There is an extra charge for both the Winter and Summer. Having a 12-Month Contract provides a discounted rate for each break session.
Through April 4th, 2025, 91视频 will form Roommate Groups online in the Housing Portal. The individual that is the Group Leader will create a Group by creating a Group Name. The Group Leader will then add people to the Roommate Group.
NOTE: Students will only be able to add other current 91视频 that have an active Housing Application. New First-Year and New Transfer 91视频 will not be searchable. 91视频 91视频 who have completed a Housing Application will be searchable.
Students should aim to have full roommate groups. A full group is any group with at least four (4) members. Groups of less than four (4) can be created, but full roommate groups will receive priority during the Selection Phase.
A Roommate Social will be held to assist 91视频 in creating full roommate groups.
The last step of the renewal process has the Group Leader select a specific housing assignment for all members of their group, including themselves. The Group Leader is responsible for ensuring they are aware of their group's preferences for housing locations and styles, as well as assigning each member into a specific bed in their housing choice.
All groups will have the opportunity to indicate if they are interested in the Atlantic City Priority selection day. For any group that has a member indicate interest in Atlantic City, that group will receive a selection time slot for the first day.
Atlantic City Priority Selection Date
- April 13th, 2025
Note: Time slots will be emailed to the group leader by the end of day (before midnight) on April 9th, 2025.
Full Housing Selection Dates
-April 26th, 2025
-April 27th, 2025
Note: Time slots will be emailed to the group leader by the end of day (before midnight) on April 23rd, 2025. If a group leader opted into the Atlantic City Priority date, and did not select housing, they will receive a new time slot with all other groups selecting housing.
If you have any questions, please contact Housing@Stockton.edu
Please review the schedule of Housing Renewal Information Session dates offered for the Academic Year 2025-2026 Renewal Process. Students should bring their student I.D.'s so they can receive credit for attending. Attendance to at least 1 session is mandatory.
Our office will host a planned Virtual session on Tuesday, February 4, 2025.
Housing Renewal Information Session #02
Tuesday, February 4, 2024
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Zoom Link: This session has passed
Our office will host a planned Virtual session on Thursday, February 13, 2025.
Housing Renewal Information Session #05
Thursday, February 13, 2025
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Zoom Link: This session has passed
Our office will host a planned Virtual session on Wednesday, February 19, 2025.
Housing Renewal Information Session #06
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Zoom Link: This session has passed
Our office will host a planned Virtual session on Monday, March 3, 2025.
Housing Renewal Information Session #10
Monday, March 3, 2025
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Zoom Link: This session has passed
Our office will host a planned Virtual session during Spring Break on Wednesday, March 12, 2025.
Housing Renewal Information Session #11
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Zoom Link:
Our office will host a planned Virtual session on Thursday, March 27, 2025.
Housing Renewal Information Session #14
Thursday, March 27, 2025
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Zoom Link: Pending
Our office will host a planned Virtual session on Wednesday, April 2, 2025.
Housing Renewal Information Session #15
Wednesday, April 2, 2025
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Zoom Link: Pending
Members of Residential Life will host a social to meet and mingle with other 91视频 seeking to complete their roommate groups. We will also be raffling off the available Studio style apartments for the lucky 91视频 to select from. If you're not one of the selected 91视频, this event is great to meet others looking to fill their group.
The Roommate Social will be held on:
Monday, March 17, 2025
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Camus Center Event Room
The Housing Renewal Video will be linked once all renewal sessions have been completed. Please be sure to join one of the sessions hosted during the Spring 2025 semester.
Housing Renewal FAQs
New 91视频 to Stockton do not go through the Housing Renewal Process. You are able to apply for housing but will be provided your Housing Assignment around your Orientation during the summer. Please keep an eye on your Stockton email for more details.
The highest factor in time slots is having a full group, which is at least 4 members. A full group will have a higher priority of an incomplete group, even if those members have more credits/attended longer.
The group leader is selected amongst the members of the group, not by Residential Life. The student who is identified as the group leader will be able to log into their Housing Application once the Application Phase opens to create a group name and add members to their group.
If a student does not join a group and is going as an individual through the process, they automatically become their own group leader for the Selection Phase.
The prices for the upcoming academic year are approved by the Board of Trustees. Updated pricing can be found on the Housing Tabof the Bursar鈥檚 website.
Any housing area that does not have a full kitchen in it has a meal plan requirement. This includes Housing 2, Housing 3, and Housing 5. In Housing 1, Housing 4, Kesselman Hall, and Parkview Hall, having a meal plan is optional.
For details on meal plans, costs, and area requirements, visit the Meal Plan Tab of the Bursar鈥檚 website.
When the Application Phase of the Housing Renewal process begins, 91视频 will be able to search for any other renewal student that has a completed Housing Application (signed contract and submitted eDeposit). Students will only able to search for 91视频 going through the Housing Renewal process.
Groups looking to add a new student (Transfer or First-Year) need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Students looking to add a Transfer or First-Year to their group should submit their request to housing@stockton.edu and include their group鈥檚 information as well as the name, Z Number, and contact information for their requested friend. These requests should be sent no later than 1 week prior to the end of the Application Phase.
There are a few reasons why you may not be able to search for a friend. Please review the following reasons and check between your friends if any apply:
- Are all members Current/Continuing Stockton 91视频?
- New First-Year and New Transfers have a different housing process and will not be found when searched for
- Did every member sign the housing contract?
- If all members have not made it to the roommate search page while the Application Phase is active, they will not be found when searched for
- Are you entering in the Z Number correctly on the search bar?
- Z Numbers need to include the "Z" beforehand. They should be formatted as Z00######
- Are you forming a Gender Inclusive Housing Group?
- Each member must complete the Gender Inclusive Housing form found on the forms tab of the housing portal. A link can be found from your Stockton goPortal
- Is one of your friends already in another housing group, or did they create their
own group?
- Students who are in another group can log into their accounts and leave a group if they choose. If a student has made a group for themselves and want to remove it, they can do so on the group creation page. Be sure to talk to all individuals you are trying to add and decide on one Group Leader
If these common issues do not help, have the group leader and the group member email housing@stockton.edu from their Stockton email account requesting and confirming the group addition.
For a description of each of our housing areas, please visit our Housing Optionssite.
Each area has a link under the description for a virtual tour, which can be navigated through similar to a street view.
Prior to the end of the Application Phase, 91视频 will be emailed an Atlantic City interest form, providing an opportunity for any group member to indicate if they are considering Atlantic City as a Residence Hall option.
If any member of a group indicates interest, the group leader will be provided with a time slot to choose housing on the Atlantic City Priority Selection date. This first selection date is only for Atlantic City.
If the group leader does not choose assignments for their group on this date, they will be provided a new time slot with all other housing applicants during the other selection dates.
Due to the limited availability of the Atlantic City Studios, our office raffles off the opportunity to sign up for an available Studio space during a Studio Raffle Event.
Students interested in the opportunity to live in a Studio should attend the raffle event. If they are not selected for a Studio space, a roommate social event is also offered. This event is a great opportunity to meet other 91视频 interested in either Atlantic City Residential Complex. Renewal 91视频 will be emailed the details on the date and time of the Studio Raffle Event and Roommate Social Event during the Spring semester.
There is a very limited number of 5-Person Private and 6-Person Private style apartments in Atlantic City, so they are not open on the selection day to choose.
Before the end of the Application Phase, 91视频 will be emailed an Atlantic City interest form. In this form, 91视频 will be able to indicate if they are interested in the 5-Person Private or 6-Person Private apartment style.
Complete groups (5 or 6) that indicate their preference of these housing styles as their top choice will be assessed for their position and priority for housing selection. The top groups for each housing style will be contacted to offer a space in these styles of rooms.
If all group members confirm, the group will be placed into the available apartment for the upcoming year.
All other groups that did not meet the cutoff of availability will be contacted to reform their groups to meet the full group size of 4 people. These notifications are sent out prior to the Roommate Social Event, providing the opportunity for 91视频 to join the social and find individuals to help complete their groups.