Stockton News 2019 Archive
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2011-2017 (The Stockton Times)
Friday, Dec. 20, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: African American Dance Class a Stockton Tradition, Graduate Students Share Research at Symposium; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Alumni Support First-Gen Students at Networking Reception, Catch a Movie Tonight at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Maguire Presents at Annual Expressive Therapies Summit; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture Stockton...Curating History of Indigenous People; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Instagram; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Names Gawlak Head Baseball Coach, Highlight Reel, Upcoming Games; OSPREY NOTES: NJECC Campaign Extended to Jan. 15; UPCOMING EVENTS: University Closed for Winter Break, 16th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, Spring Semester begins
Friday, Dec. 13, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: LoBiondo Exhibit Highlights Congressman's Career, Eight Students Receive Research Fellowships at Board Meeting; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Stockton Singers Share Talents in A.C. Shows; SPOTLIGHT ON: SCOSA Time to Tell Manahawkin Memoir Writers Publish Anthology; FRAME-WORTHY: Students' Sustainability Marketing Videos Offer Green New Ideas; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook; FROM THE SIDELINES: Men's Basketball Leads Start to Finish in Fourth Straight Win, 93-72, Highlight Reel, Upcoming Games; OSPREY NOTES: NJECC Campaign Underway; UPCOMING EVENTS: Second Saturdays in Atlantic City, Transfer Admissions Day in Hammonton, University Closed for Winter Break, 16th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service
Friday, Dec. 6, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: John F. Scarpa Gives $8 Million to Stockton, Students Explore Addictions and Related Dangers in Classes, Students Shine at Senior Art Exhibition; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Alumni Support First-Gen Students at Networking Reception, Catch a Movie Tonight at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Latouretteâs Article Cited as Part of 150th Anniversary of Women Practicing Law; FRAME-WORTHY: Womenâs, Gender and Sexuality Center Opens; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Instagram; FROM THE SIDELINES: Osprey Student-Athletes Host Sit-Down Volleyball Tournament, Highlight Reel, Upcoming Games; OSPREY NOTES: NJECC Campaign Underway; UPCOMING EVENTS: BFA Senior Exhibit, Open House, âMessiahâ at Borgata Event Center, Graduate Research Symposium, Annual Holiday Party, Transfer Admissions Day in Hammonton
Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Students See the Future of Wind Energy in N.J., Highest Praise Gospel Choir to Back Mariah Careyâs Christmas Show, Faculty, Staff Recognized at Annual Event, Read Fall 2019 Issue of Stockton Now; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Stockton to Honor Local Rowing Coach Bob Garbutt, Craft Market Nov. 30 at Noyes Arts Garage, Catch a Move Dec. 6 at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Janice Joseph Keynote Speaker at International Victimology Conference; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture Stockton...Using Art to Save the Birds; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Twitter; FROM THE SIDELINES: Osprey Basketball Players Speak at Galloway Middle School, Highlight Reel; OSPREY NOTES: ITS Monthly Tech Training Tip, NJECC Campaign Underway, Last Semester FAFSA Friday Dec. 6; UPCOMING EVENTS: BFA Senior Exhibit, Graduate Toast, Open House, âMessiahâ at Borgata Event Center, Graduate Research Symposium
Friday, Nov. 22, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Florio, Whitman, Promote Civility at Hughes Center Honors, Johanna Johnson Receives Fundraising Award, Business School Honors Internship Partners, Business School Honors Internship Partners; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Alumni Support First-Gen Students at Networking Reception, Catch a Movie Tonight at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Stockton A Top Partner at Black Doctoral Network Conference; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture Stockton...Telling a Holocaust Story; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Instagram; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Wins Tip-Off Championship in OT, 83-74, Highlight Reel, Upcoming Games; OSPREY NOTES: NJECC Campaign Underway, FAFSA Friday; UPCOMING EVENTS: BFA Senior Exhibit, Open House, âMessiahâ at Borgata Event Center, Graduate Research Symposium
Friday, Nov. 15, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Stockton Remembers Veterans, Past and Present, Hughes Center Joins Initiative to Revive Civility, Black Faculty and Staff Honor Six at Dinner; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Catch a Movie Nov. 22 at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Stockton Professors Share Connection Between Writing and Community, Social Change; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture Stockton... Giving Terrapins a Second Chance; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Headed to Baltimore for NCAA Tournament, Highlight Reel, Upcoming Games; âROLEâ CALL: Ed Wuillermin Joins URM, Graphics Department Restructured; OSPREY NOTES: NJECC Campaign Underway, FAFSA Fridays; UPCOMING EVENTS: Transfer Admission Day in Manahawkin, 35th Annual Student, Faculty & Staff Dinner, International Education Week, Open House, âMessiahâ at Borgata Event Center
Friday, Nov. 8, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Students Lead Project to Refurbish Observatory, Scholarship Recognition Dinner Honors Donors; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Catch a Movie Tonight at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Latourette Presents at Four NYU Events; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture Stockton... Celebrating its Diversity; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook, Instagram Highlight; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Rolls to NJAC Finals 3-0 Win; Big Game Tomorrow, Highlight Reel, Upcoming Games; OSPREY NOTES: NJECC Campaign Underway, FAFSA Fridays, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Fall; UPCOMING EVENTS: First-Gen Week, 38th Annual Council of Black Faculty and Staff Awards Dinner, Hughes Center Honors, Transfer Admissions Day in Manahawkin, International Education Week
Friday, Nov. 1, 2019- The William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy and 91ÊÓÆ” mourn the passing of Ambassador William J. Hughes; WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Holocaust Rescuers Exhibition Tells Ullman Family Story [VIDEO], Six Alumni Honored at Recognition Dinner; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Hughes Center Co-Hosts 2nd District Assembly Debate, Catch a Movie Nov. 8 at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Goodnight Receives âBest Doctoral Paperâ Award from SMA; FRAME-WORTHY: Fall Feels Arrive On Campus; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Twitter; FROM THE SIDELINES: Nunez, Van Schalkwyk, Silverstein Receive NJAC Postseason Honors, Athletics Mourns Hall of Famer George Briscoe, Highlight Reel, Upcoming Games; OSPREY NOTES: ITS Monthly Tech Training Tip, NJECC Campaign Underway, FAFSA Fridays, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Fall; UPCOMING EVENTS: Open House, Veterans Week activities, Transfer Admissions Day in Manahawkin, Transfer Admissions Day in Hammonton, 38th Annual Council of Black Faculty and Staff Awards Dinner, First-Gen Week, Hughes Center Honors
Friday, Oct. 25, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: âOspreys Giveâ Raises More Than $350,000, Womenâs Leadership Panel Shares Successes, Failures, The Wake Up Project Supports Student Mental Health; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Mother's Group Founder Shares Stories of Loss in Mexico, Catch a Movie Tonight at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Stockton Students Compete at Chowderfest; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture Stockton: During the Ice Age; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Instagram Highlight; FROM THE SIDELINES: Ospreys Lend a Wing at Local Events, Highlight Reel, Upcoming Games; OSPREY NOTES:NJECC Campaign Underway, Upcoming SCOSA Events this Fall, Conversations with President Kesselman Oct. 29, Nov. 6, FAFSA Fridays, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Fall; UPCOMING EVENTS: Open House, Transfer Admissions Day in Manahawkin, Transfer Admissions Day in Hammonton, 38th Annual Council of Black Faculty and Staff Awards Dinner, Hughes Center Honors
Friday, Oct. 18, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Ammon Foundation Gives Scholarships to Students in Recovery, Stockton Poll: Climate Change a Major Problem in N.J., Golf Classic Raises More than $87,000 for Students; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Lots to âSeaâ at Coast Day, Catch a Movie Oct. 25 at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Peer Mentoring Supports Five-Year Students, Sherrier Wins Foundations Auctioned Parking Space; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture Stockton: Celebrating University Weekend from Campus to Coast; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Twitter, Instagram Highlight; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Athletics 2019 Hall of Fame Class Inducted, New Athletics DocuSeries Airs, Highlight Reel, Upcoming Games; OSPREY NOTES:Nominations for Community Engagement Awards Sought, Upcoming SCOSA Events this Fall, 2019 G. Larry James Legacy 5K Run/Walk Oct. 19, Conversations with President Kesselman Oct. 29, Nov. 6, FAFSA Fridays Begin Oct. 11, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Fall; UPCOMING EVENTS: Employee Charitable Campaign Kick-Off Breakfast, Open House, Transfer Admissions Day in Manahawkin, 38th Annual Council of Black Faculty and Staff Awards Dinner
Friday, Oct. 11, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Publisher Paul Coates Shares Civil Rights History, WLFR Radio Celebrating 35 Years of Operation, Stockton Poll Shows 52% in N.J. Support Impeachment Inquiry, Ten Students Receive Hollander Scholarships; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: A.C. Nuestro Pueblo Awards Raises Nearly $14,000 for Scholarships, Catch a Movie Tonight at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Stockton Well-Represented at NJ Veterans Mental Health Summit; FRAME-WORTHY: Career & Internship Fair Helps Ospreys Find Their Flight Path; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook, Instagram Highlight; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Extends Win Streak with 3-0 Victory Over Rutgers Newark, Highlight Reel, Upcoming Games; OSPREY NOTES: 2019 G. Larry James Legacy 5K Run/Walk Oct. 19, Conversations with President Kesselman Oct. 29, Nov. 6, FAFSA Fridays Begin Oct. 11, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Fall; UPCOMING EVENTS: University Weekend, Coast Day, Womenâs Leadership Council Panel Discussion, Breakfast, Employee Charitable Campaign Kick-Off Breakfast, Open House, Trasfer Admissions Day in Manahawkin
Friday, Oct. 4, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Eight Boats Named at Rowing Ceremonies, W. Paul Coates to Speak at 16th Fannie Lou Hamer Symposium; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: A.C. Student Lounge Named for Elizabeth B. Alton, Catch a Movie Oct. 11 at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Magnetic Anomaly Helps Stockton Professor Study Earthâs Crustal Magnetism; FRAME-WORTHY: Student Veterans Get New, Larger Office and Lounge; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Instagram Highlight; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Hosts AC Stakes Race, Highlight Reel, Upcoming Games; OSPREY NOTES: Conversations with President Kesselman Oct. 29, Nov. 6, FAFSA Fridays Begin Oct. 11, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Fall; UPCOMING EVENTS: â100 Faces of War," a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian, Open House, University Weekend, Coast Day
Friday, Sept. 27, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Center To Preserve History of Jewish Farming Colony, New-Student Enrollment Increases 2% for Fall 2019, Student Voting Rate Up 22.1%; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Catch a Movie Tonight at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Hemple Wins Award to Attend National Gerontology Conference; FRAME-WORTHY: Stockton Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month Sept. 15 - Oct. 15; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Twitter, Facebook; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Rolls to Sixth Straight Win, 3-0, Highlight Reel, Upcoming Games; OSPREY NOTES: Strategic Plan 2025 Implementation Teams Announced, ITS Monthly Tech Training Tip: Adding Digital Signatures, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Fall; UPCOMING EVENTS: A Night in Havana, 2019 Nuestro Puebla Awards; Ospreys Give, â100 Faces of War," a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian, Open House, University Weekend, Coast Day
Friday, Sept. 20, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Funds Announced for Scholarships, Blee Honored at Sept. Board Meeting, More than 200 Attend First Cannabis Expo, Author Shares Insights on U.S. Supreme Court at Constitution Day; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: GEAR UP Grant Will Expand College Bound Program in A.C., Catch a Movie Sept. 27 at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Visiting Archivist Catalogs Works of Constantelos; FRAME-WORTHY: Stockton Students Learn to Get Involved; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Makes Intercollegiate Debut at Ursinus Invitational, Highlight Reel; OSPREY NOTES: Stockton World Language Tables Return for Fall Semester, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Fall; UPCOMING EVENTS: Annual 91ÊÓÆ” Golf Classic, Freshman Convocation, A Night in Havana, 2019 Nuestro Puebla Awards; Ospreys Give, â100 Faces of War," a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian
Friday, Sept. 13, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Stockton Rises to 7th in 2020 U.S. News Rankings, Ye Olde Tymers Club Donates Assets to Stockton Foundation for Scholarships; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Staff, Students at NJ Family Festival with First Lady Murphy, Day of Service at Stockton Atlantic City Spreads Positivity, Catch a Movie Tonight at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Moscovici Explores the Science of Wine in Australia; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture StocktonâŠRemembering 9/11 with a Campus Memorial; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Twitter; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Sweeps Cabrini for Third Straight Win, Highlight Reel; OSPREY NOTES: Strategic Planning Implementation Teams Forming in October; Applications Due Sept. 16; Revised Ethics Webpage Launched; UPCOMING EVENTS: NJ Cannabis Fair and Business Expo, Constitution Day 2019, Get Involved Fair, Annual 91ÊÓÆ” Golf Classic, Freshman Convocation, A Night in Havana, 2019 Nuestro Puebla Awards; Ospreys Give, â100 Faces of War," a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian
Friday, Sept. 6, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Stockton Athletics Announces 2019 Hall of Fame Class, Joan Biskupic to Speak on Constitution Day, 91ÊÓÆ” 2019 Annual Report; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Hughes Center to Cosponsor District 2 Assembly Debate, Catch a Movie this Fall at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Morell Ready to Share Heartfulness Meditation; FRAME-WORTHY: Ospreys Arrive for Fall Semester; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Rowing to Compete in Worldâs Largest Two-Day Regatta, Stockton Wins Second Straight Game, 3-1; OSPREY NOTES: Fall Faculty Conference, Presidentâs Address to Staff, Strategic Planning Implementation Teams Forming in October; Applications Due Sept. 16; Revised Ethics Webpage Launched; UPCOMING EVENTS: NJ Cannabis Fair and Business Expo, Constitution Day 2019, Get Involved Fair, Annual 91ÊÓÆ” Golf Classic, Freshman Convocation, A Night in Havana, 2019 Nuestro Puebla Awards; â100 Faces of War," a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian
Friday, Aug. 30, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Student Relief Fund Benefit Raises $13,000, Atlantic County Government to Offer Stockton Students Internship Opportunities, Welcoming Our Ospreys from Overseas; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Osprey Sighting in Atlantic City, Life's a beach at Stockton AC; SPOTLIGHT ON: Integrative Faculty Training Focuses on Classroom Student Success; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture Stockton...Helping Incoming Students Envision Their Futures; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Strength and Conditioning Instagram takeover; OSPREY NOTES: Revised Ethics Webpage Launched, ITS Monthly Tech Training Tip, Donât Forget to Renew Vehicle Parking Registration, Beachgoers, Be On the Lookout, UPCOMING EVENTS: NJ Cannabis Fair and Business Expo, Constitution Day 2019, Get Involved Fair, Freshman Convocation,â100 Faces of War," a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian
Friday, Aug. 23, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Scholarship Program to Help Students Become A.C. Leaders, Florio, Whitman to Receive Awards at Hughes Center Honors, Map the Travels of Studying Abroad at Stockton; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Stockton Atlantic City Hosts Airshow Viewing Party, Business Owners Connect with Colleges at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Managers Complete Leadership in Action Training; FRAME-WORTHY: Ospreys Reach New Heights at 8th Annual Stockton Day; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Instagram Highlight; OSPREY NOTES: Donât Forget to Renew Vehicle Parking Registration, Beachgoers, Be On the Lookout, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Summer; UPCOMING EVENTS: Transfer Admissions Day at Manahawkin, âThe Bystander: Then and Nowâ lecture at Manahawkin, NJ Cannabis Fair and Business Expo, Constitution Day 2019, â100 Faces of War," a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian
Friday, Aug. 16, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: CRDA Grant Provides Arts Programs for A.C. Youth, Study Shows Naloxone, Quick Response, Saves Lives; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: University District Banners Take Flight in Atlantic City, Dive into âExplore the Oceanâ Lecture Series; SPOTLIGHT ON: Hornbeckâs Research Receives NSF Grant; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture Stockton...Diving into Seagrass Study; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook, Instagram Highlight; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Fifth In NJAC Men's Soccer Coaches Poll; âROLEâ CALL: Nick McDonough; OSPREY NOTES: Reminder: Normal Work Hours Begin Next Week, Donât Forget to Renew Vehicle Parking Registration, Beachgoers, Be On the Lookout, Last 'Salute to Stockton' Lecture Aug. 23 with Beverly Vaughn, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Summer; UPCOMING EVENTS: Upcoming events hosted by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, Stockton Atlantic City Airshow Viewing & BBQ, Transfer Admissions Day at Manahawkin, âThe Bystander: Then and Nowâ lecture at Manahawkin, â100 Faces of War," a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian
Friday, Aug. 9, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: High Schoolers Manipulate Photochemical Reactions, Hydrogels in Summer Apprenticeship, Educators Learn How to Teach Holocaust History at Summer Seminar; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Catch a Movie Aug. 13 at 91ÊÓÆ” Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Onel Presents Research at International Conferences, Named DSEF Fellow; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture Stockton...Helping Girls Sea a Future in Science; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Highlight; OSPREY NOTES: Beachgoers, Be On the Lookout, Catch a Lecture by a Colleague, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Summer; UNIVERSITY NOTICE: Stockton Police Active Shooter Training Aug. 9; UPCOMING EVENTS: Upcoming events hosted by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, âSelection from the Noyes Museum Collectionâ exhibit, Transfer Admissions Day at Manahawkin Location, â100 Faces of War,â a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian
Friday, Aug. 2, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Museum Tour an Emotional Visit to the Past, Stockton Welcomes New Dean of Business School, â100 Faces of Warâ Shares Stories of Those Who Served; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Catch Avengers: Endgame Aug. 6 at Stockton Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Zappile Swims to Second Place in Around the Island Marathon; FRAME-WORTHY: Stockton Alumni Find New Tradition; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook, Twitter; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Achieves IWLCA Academic Honors; âROLEâ CALL: Ana Rodriguez, Nordia Johnson; OSPREY NOTES: Beachgoers, Be On the Lookout, Catch a Lecture by a Colleague, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Summer; UPCOMING EVENTS: Upcoming events hosted by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, âSelection from the Noyes Museum Collectionâ exhibit, Transfer Admissions Day at Manahawkin Location, â100 Faces of War,â a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian
Friday, July 26, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Pinelands Summer Short Course Attracts Nature Lovers of All Ages, Stockton Ranks 5th Among N.J. Colleges, Girls Become Chemists, Aerospace Engineers at Tech Trek Summer Camp; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Survey Shows Students Prefer Slots, But Gamble More Frequently on Sports; SPOTLIGHT ON: Cox Receives Prestigious National Excellence Award for Textbook; FRAME-WORTHY: First Cohort in Dual-Degree Partnership with Jefferson University Receive White Coats; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook, Instagram; FROM THE SIDELINES: Womenâs Track & Field Earns USTFCCCA Academic Team Award; âROLEâ CALL: Rebecca Longo; OSPREY NOTES: Beachgoers, Be On the Lookout, ITS Monthly Tech Training Tip, Catch a Lecture by a Colleague, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Summer; UPCOMING EVENTS: Summer Camps at Stockton, Upcoming events hosted by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, Ducktown A.C. Summer Fest Final Day, âSelection from the Noyes Museum Collectionâ exhibit, â100 Faces of War,â a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian
Friday, July 19, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Two Families Give Back to Help Students Succeed, Board of Trustees Approves Tuition, Fees; Honors Students, Staff and A.C. Officials, Oysters are Showing Researchers How to Restore Barnegat Bay; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: EOF Students Spruce Up OâDonnell Park, Catch a Movie July 23 at 91ÊÓÆ” Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Palatnik, Boyle Receive NJCPA Ovation Awards; Students Attend through Support of Alumni Donor; FRAME-WORTHY: Students Help Holocaust Survivor Tell Family Story; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Womenâs Golf Moving Up to Intercollegiate Level; OSPREY NOTES: Catch a Lecture by a Colleague,, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Summer; UPCOMING EVENTS: Summer Camps at Stockton, Upcoming events hosted by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, Transfer Open House, Ducktown A.C. Summer Fest begins, âSelection from the Noyes Museum Collectionâ exhibit, â100 Faces of War,â a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian
Friday, July 12, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: '100 Faces of War' Featured at Noyes Arts Garage, Camden County College Joins Transfer Pathways Program, Urban Teacher Academy Gives Budding Teachers a Taste of Teaching in the City; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Conference Challenges Youth to âBreak the Cycle;â SPOTLIGHT ON: White Dives into Minds of Serial Killers at Conference; FRAME-WORTHY: Ospreys Burst Onto the Scene in Breakthrough Season; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Instagram, Facebook; FROM THE SIDELINES: Esports Teams Play Exhibition Matches at Conferences; OSPREY NOTES: Catch a Lecture by a Colleague, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Summer; UPCOMING EVENTS: Summer Camps at Stockton, Upcoming events hosted by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, Ducktown A.C. Summer Fest, âSelection from the Noyes Museum Collectionâ exhibit, Pinelands Summer Short Course, Transfer Open House
Friday, July 5, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: DEP Commissioner Calls for N.J. Strategic Climate Plan, Rotary Youth Leaders Celebrate 40 Years at Stockton, First Building at NARTP Opens with Multiple Tenants; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Summer Academy EOF Atlantic City Students Move In, Prospective Students attend HTMS Open House, Catch a Movie July 9 at 91ÊÓÆ” Atlantic City, Film Screening: âWho Will Write Our Historyâ July 10; SPOTLIGHT ON: Stockton Recognized by State for Influenza Prevention Efforts, Kong, Furgione Present at AIR Forum in Colorado; FRAME-WORTHY: Ospreys Reunite for Summer Fun; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook, Twitter; FROM THE SIDELINES: Holleritter & Wharton Chosen USILA Scholar All-Americans, 138 Ospreys Qualify for NJAC All-Academic Team; OSPREY NOTES: NAMS Publishes Spring/Summer 2019 E-zine, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Summer; UPCOMING EVENTS: Summer Camps at Stockton, Ducktown A.C. Summer Fest begins, âSelection from the Noyes Museum Collectionâ exhibit, âCulinary Medicine: Healing in the Kitchenâ lesson, âThe Holocaust Then & Nowâ presentation, Pinelands Summer Short Course, Transfer Open House
Friday, June 28, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Stockton Named Recovery Court Partner of the Year, T.A.L.O.N.S. Welcome New Students to Campus; SPOTLIGHT ON: Stockton Faculty Attend Lilly-Bethesda Conference, Students Broaden Perspectives Through Global Experience, Correction; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture Stockton...Students Holding History in their Hands; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook, Twitter; FROM THE SIDELINES: Intramural Recreational Council Announces Annual Award Recipients; OSPREY NOTES: Normal Academic Hours Next Week; Closed Thursday, The Office of Development and Alumni Relations Launches OspreyConnect, ITS Monthly Tech Training Tip: Secure Passwords, Continuing Studies Offers a Variety of Courses this Summer; UPCOMING EVENTS: Summer Camps at Stockton, Upcoming events hosted by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, Second Jersey Shore Beach Report, Ducktown A.C. Summer Fest begins, Pinelands Summer Short Course, Transfer Open House
Friday, June 21, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Atlantic City Council Recognizes Homework Program, Research Finds Exercise Has Similar Effect as Opioids, Stockton Holocaust Resource Center Presents at International Summit on Resilience; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Middle and High School Students Complete College Bound Program, Catch a Movie June 25 at Stockton University Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Onel Attends Transformative Consumer Research Conference; Presents Research, Cox Presents at National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS; FRAME-WORTHY: 2019 Stockton Supports Atlantic City Police Department at Spring Fling; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Instagram, Facebook; OSPREY NOTES: Final Strategic Planning Summer Learning Session June 27, Choose Summer at Stockton; UPCOMING EVENTS: Summer Camps at Stockton, Upcoming events hosted by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, 48 Blocks Atlantic City, Second Jersey Shore Beach Report, Ducktown A.C. Summer Fest begins, Pinelands Summer Short Course, Transfer Open House
Friday, June 14, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Faith-Based Terrorism Requires an International Response, The Hidden Treasures of Stockton's 'Special Collections'; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Jackson Wins âBest Amateur Chefâ for Osprey Truffles at Fundraiser; SPOTLIGHT ON: Burdick Receives 2019 Clark Tibbitts Award, MSW Professor, Students Study How to Best Serve Atlantic City Residents; FRAME-WORTHY: 2019 HAAC Youth Leadership Summit Inspires Motivation in High School Students; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook, Twitter; OSPREY NOTES: Strategic Planning Summer Learning Sessions Announced, Choose Summer at Stockton; UPCOMING EVENTS: Summer Camps at Stockton, Upcoming events hosted by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, Transfer Information Session at 91ÊÓÆ” at Manahawkin, 48 Blocks Atlantic City, Second Jersey Shore Beach Report, Pinelands Summer Short Course, Transfer Open House
Friday, June 7, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Salem Community College and Stockton Sign Dual Admission Transfer Agreement, Stockton Poll: N.J. Residents More Politically Engaged, Try Something New at Stockton This Summer; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: MSW Alliance Members Volunteer at 2019 AIDS Walk in Atlantic City, Catch a Movie at 91ÊÓÆ” Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Course Gives Students Real-Life Courtroom Experience; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture Stockton: Designing a Living Shoreline; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Adds Joe Haney as Assistant Rowing Coach; OSPREY NOTES: Strategic Planning Summer Learning Sessions Announced, Choose Summer at Stockton; UPCOMING EVENTS: Summer Camps at Stockton, Upcoming events hosted by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, Pinelands Summer Short Course, Transfer Open House
Friday, May 31, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Trustees Approve Plans for New Housing in A.C., Moody's Raises Stockton's Outlook to 'Positive,'Stockton Partners with High School âGreat Stories Clubâ; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Stockton Hosts National Child Welfare Roundtable, Parking at 91ÊÓÆ” Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Hossay Drives a Discussion on Vehicle Sustainability May 8, Friends of Hellenic Studies Award Three Scholarships through Fundraiser Event; FRAME-WORTHY: Teentech; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook; OSPREY NOTES: Strategic Planning Summer Learning Sessions Announced, Choose Summer at Stockton; FROM THE SIDELINES: Lodge, Qadiri Selected to Academic All-District 2 Teams, Cosenzo, Schieda Chosen All-ECAC Honorable Mention, Swedlund Voted ECAC Offensive Player of the Year; Three All-ECAC; âROLEâ CALL: Julie Bowen, Patricia Donahue; UPCOMING EVENTS: Summer Camps at Stockton, 2019 GLJ Legacy Ride, Transfer Open House, Pinelands Summer Short Course, Transfer Open House
Friday, May 24, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Fulbright Scholar Vijaya Heads to Sri Lanka, Partnership Helps 10 Teachers Earn Masters in Education, Read the Spring 2019 Issue!; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: State Higher Education Officials Meet with Students; SPOTLIGHT ON: Hrybava Receives U.S. Citizenship, Physical Therapy Student Grows from Hands-On Experience, Grullon Shares Advice on Applying to College with 700 High School Students; FRAME-WORTHY: SCOSA Festival; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook; OSPREY NOTES: Normal Academic Hours Next Week; Closed Monday, Strategic Planning Summer Learning Sessions Announced, Choose Summer at Stockton; FROM THE SIDELINES: Swedlund Voted to Google Cloud Academic All-District 2 Team; âROLEâ Call: Stockton News Editor Accepts Position at Saint Josephâs University; UPCOMING EVENTS: Summer Camps at Stockton-Students Solve a Murder, Go to Trial at CSI Camp, 91ÊÓÆ” Board of Trustees Open Public Special Meeting to discuss Atlantic City Phase II Project, 2019 GLJ Legacy Ride, Transfer Open House, Pinelands Summer Short Course, Transfer Open House
Friday, May 17, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: More than 1,800 Stockton Grads Leap to New Heights, Nursing Pinning Ceremony Recognizes 27 BSN Graduates, Stockton Finishes Season with Medal at Dad Vail Regatta, New Online Cannabis Certificate Program Begins at Stockton, Stockton Receives Grants for Barnegat Bay Projects; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Jersey Shorecast Panelists Predict Good Season at the Shore, Revised Summer Shuttle Schedule; SPOTLIGHT ON: Hemi, Stuart Win Second USPCA Championship, Student Project Benefits Peers in Need, Student Project Benefits Peers in Need; FRAME-WORTHY: Campus Community Gathers for Food, Fellowship, Flashing Back to Intricate Folds; WHATâS TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook; OSPREY NOTES: Strategic Planning Summer Learning Sessions Announced, Choose Summer at Stockton; FROM THE SIDELINES: DâAmico & Strychowski Get NJAC Awards; 12 Earn All-Conference; UPCOMING EVENTS: Summer Camps at Stockton, Transfer Open House, Pinelands Summer Short Course
Friday, May 10, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Almost 300 Receive Degrees at Graduate Commencement; Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership Graduates First Class, Stockton Rallies to Win CSAC Championship, Scholarship Gala Raises Over $450,000, Stockton Represented in Working Groups for New Jersey's Plan for Higher Education; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Hospitality and Tourism Program Thanks Internship Partners, Summer Shuttle Schedule; SPOTLIGHT ON: Student Shilo Previti Receives Staller Award, Stockton Twin Sisters Receive Citizenship at Naturalization Ceremony, Stockton Students Discuss Speech, Language and Literacy with Pleasantville Parents, Stockton Faculty Collaboration Examines the Body Through Many Narratives; FRAME-WORTHY: Students Showcase Science, Math Research at Symposium; OSPREY NOTES: Strategic Planning Summer Learning Sessions Announced, Summer Hours Begin May 13, Choose Summer at Stockton; FROM THE SIDELINES: 11 Ospreys Earn NJAC All-Conference Honors; UPCOMING EVENTS: Second Saturdays-Yoga at the Beach, Successful Aging Seminar
Friday, May 3, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Stockton Notches Best Finish Ever at MARC Championships, Trustees Approve Trade of Carnegie Center for A.C. Boathouse, Two Students Receive First Alan F. Arcuri Fund Awards, Veterans Honored at Annual Coining Ceremony; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: MSW â19 Students Close Out Semester at the Beach; SPOTLIGHT ON: Paige Richards Named 2019 Newman Civic Fellow, DâAgostino Presents at Conference, Wins Hacking Competition, Coker Goes Above and Beyond in Res Life Role; FRAME-WORTHY: Grads Bubble Over with Excitement, Accomplishment; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook, Instagram; OSPREY NOTES: New Strategic Plan Draft Available for Review, Exit Interview Reminder for Graduates, Choose Summer at Stockton; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Sweeps CSAC Awards, Dermen, Hubbard, Wharton Receive Awards at Athletics Banquet, More from Highlight Reel; âROLEâ CALL: Employees Recognized for Service; Weeks Honored for 45 Years, Froonjian Named Interim Director of the Hughes Center; UPCOMING EVENTS: 39th annual Scholarship Benefit Gala, Doctoral and Masterâs Commencement Ceremony, Baccalaureate Commencement Ceremony
Friday, April 26, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Game of Thrones Class Brings Medieval Times to Campus, Bring Your Child to Work Day Helps Build Futures, Farm-to-Table Symposium Plants Seeds of Learning, Model United Nations Earns Accolades at New York Conference, Sedia, Student Interviewed by Vice on Cannabis Industry; SPOTLIGHT ON: Twenty-Six Inducted into Psychology Honor Society, Eleven Social Work Seniors Receive Program Distinction, Stockton Authors Share Writing, Publishing Tips with Peers; FRAME-WORTHY: Stockapella Hits High Notes at Regional Glee Competition, Picture Stockton ⊠Suiting Up for Science While the Surfâs Up; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook; OSPREY NOTES: University Archives Accepting Hard Copy Materials, ITS Updating Email System on May 7, New Strategic Plan Draft Available for Review, Exit Interview Reminder for Graduates, Choose Summer at Stockton; FROM THE SIDELINES: Swedlund Breaks Single Season Goal Mark during Lacrosse Game, Stockton Competes in Widener Invitational; UPCOMING EVENTS: Graduate Open House at Kramer Hall in Hammonton, 39th annual Scholarship Benefit Gala, Doctoral and Masterâs Commencement Ceremony, Baccalaureate Commencement Ceremony
Friday, April 19, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Hospitality Students Get Cutting-Edge Kitchen Experience, Stockton Adds Major in Africana Studies, Students Receive 2019 EOF Graduate Awards, Conference Focuses on Female Victimization ;STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Catch a Movie Tonight; SPOTLIGHT ON: Brianna Chelednik Named 2019 Hero of the Year, Sedia Participates in âCannabusinessâ Panel in Atlantic City, Stockton Collaborates to Grow Garden, Community in Atlantic City; FRAME-WORTHY: Twenty Students Display Work in Spring Senior Art Show; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram; OSPREY NOTES: New Strategic Plan Draft Available for Review, Spring Semester FAFSA Fridays, Choose Summer at Stockton; FROM THE SIDELINES: Womenâs Rowing Returns to Action at Knecht Cup, Stockton Hosts Osprey Open; UPCOMING EVENTS: NAMS Symposium, Graduate Research Symposium, Bring Your Child to Work Day, Graduate Open House at Kramer Hall in Hammonton, 39th annual Scholarship Benefit Gala, Doctoral and Masterâs Commencement Ceremony, Baccalaureate Commencement Ceremony
Friday, April 12, 2019 - WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Stockton Research Focuses on Effects of Teeth Whitening, Stockton Campaigns Win Multiple Marketing Awards, Stockton Poll Indicates Residents Want Repair Work; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Stockton Women's Leadership Council Debuts Speaker Series, Math Day a Fun Day for Atlantic City Third Graders, Catch a Movie at 91ÊÓÆ” Atlantic City; SPOTLIGHT ON: Jacobson Brings Back Global Perspectives from Bishkek,Women of Color in Leadership Share Successes, Challenges, Interview features Rodriguezâs Experience as Washington Internship Program Liaison; FRAME-WORTHY: Woodstockton IX, White Coat Ceremony; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Instagram, Facebook; OSPREY NOTES: New Strategic Plan Draft Available for Review, Winter 2018/19 'SoJourn' Published, Spring Semester FAFSA Fridays, April is âStockton Undistractedâ Month, Choose Summer at Stockton; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Wins Eight Events at West Chester; UPCOMING EVENTS: African-American Cultural Heritage Short Course, Origami Showcase, NAMS Symposium, Graduate Research Symposium, Bring Your Child to Work Day, Graduate Open House at Kramer Hall in Hammonton, Doctoral and Masterâs Commencement Ceremony, Baccalaureate Commencement Ceremony
Friday, April 5, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Stockton Esports Team Wins ECAC Fortnite Championship, Stockton Signs MOU with Ărsted U.S. Offshore Wind, Math Mayhem Participants Calculate Way to Win, South Jersey Culture & History Center Publishes 'Blogging 40'; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: N.J. Senate President Sweeney Holds Town Hall in A.C.; SPOTLIGHT ON: Grant Award Helps Connect People in Need with Resources, Faculty Present at National Council for Black Studies Conference; Students Inducted into Honor Society; FRAME-WORTHY: Future Students Experience âA Day in the Lifeâ at Stockton, Picture Stockton: Raising Platforms for Osprey; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Instagram, Facebook; OSPREY NOTES: Spring Semester FAFSA Fridays, April is âStockton Undistractedâ Month, 'Preservation Month' at Bjork Library, Choose Summer at Stockton; FROM THE SIDELINES: Ibarra, Qadiri join Murzello as Arthur Ashe Jr. Sports Scholars, Stockton Womenâs Lacrosse Notches Third Straight Win; âROLEâ CALL: Allie Sandberg; UPCOMING EVENTS: Open House, Transfer Admissions Day, Woodbine Instructional Site, African-American Cultural Heritage Short Course, Graduate Research Symposium, Bring Your Child to Work Day
Friday, March 29, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Diversity Dinner Welcomes Prospective Students, Stockton President to Co-Chair Higher Ed Working Group, Stockton Hosts Coding Competition; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Choose Beachfront Living & Learning; SPOTLIGHT ON: Sorge Receives All-Region Award for Mock Trial Team; FRAME-WORTHY: Flags for Forgotten Soldiers, Vigil Remembers Victims of New Zealand Shootings, âDinner and Dialogueâ Fosters Connection for First Ospreys; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Instagram, Facebook; OSPREY NOTES: Spring Semester FAFSA Fridays, Choose Summer at Stockton; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Tops Misericordia for Zulaufâs 100th Win, Murzello Chosen as Arthur Ashe Jr. Sports Scholar, Ospreys Hit the Water in Atlantic City, Five Ospreys Recognized as Scholars Of Distinction; âROLEâ CALL: Trevor Kopp; UPCOMING EVENTS: A Day in the Life, Distinguished Women. Distinctive Voices Transfer Information Session-Manahawkin, Open House, Transfer Admissions Day-Woodbine, African-American Cultural Heritage Short Course, Graduate Research Symposium
Friday, March 22, 2019 - WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Future Teachers Helping Young Readers at Pleasantville School, Sankofa Summit Addresses Issues Facing Men of Color, Map Shows South Jersey 'Green Book' Sites; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Aide to Barack Obama to Speak in A.C.; SPOTLIGHT ON: Students Go Behind-the-Scenes at Borgata; FLAME-WORTHY: Heating Up for a Good Cause; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Instagram; OSPREY NOTES: Spring Semester FAFSA Fridays, Choose Summer at Stockton; FROM THE SIDELINES:Stockton Caps Florida Trip with Rollins Spring Break Race, 19 Stockton Players Earn NFHCA Academic Honors, Stockton Baseball, Softball Starting Off Strong; âROLEâ CALL: Elen Manalang; UPCOMING EVENTS: Access Week, Flags for Forgotten Soldiers, Women of Color in Leadership Panel Discussion, Annual Tuition Hearing, Transfer Information Session, Open House, African-American Cultural Heritage Short Course, Graduate Research Symposium
Friday, March 15, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Rowing Growing by Leaps and Boats at Stockton, Middle and High School Students Hit High Notes at Music Festivals, Ospreys Take Flight for Spring Break Volunteer Trips; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Catch a Movie Next Week; SPOTLIGHT ON: John E. Gray; FRAME-WORTHY: Celebrating the Pine Barrens; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook; OSPREY NOTES: Spring Semester FAFSA Fridays, Stockton Police Department Receives Reaccreditation, Choose Summer at Stockton; FROM THE SIDELINES:Spring Break Sports Highlights; UPCOMING EVENTS: Access Week, Flags for Forgotten Soldiers, Annual Tuition Hearing, Transfer Information Session, Open House, Graduate Research Symposium
Friday, March 8, 2019 - WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Kesselman Shares State Budget Update Pertaining to Funding, Career Fair Matches Students with Businesses, SVO Displays Wall of Remembrance, SJCHC Publishes âMidgal Zophimâ; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Experience âSecond Saturdaysâ at Stockton Atlantic City, Local Students are College Bound in New Program; SPOTLIGHT ON: Darius Edwards; FRAME-WORTHY: International Womenâs Day; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook, Twitter; OSPREY NOTES: Spring Semester FAFSA Fridays, Choose Summer at Stockton; FROM THE SIDELINES: Bryan-Frank Earns USTFCCCA All-Region Honor; UPCOMING EVENTS: Rowing and Growing with the Ospreys, Pinelands Weekend, Annual Tuition Hearing, Open House, Graduate Research Symposium, Springing Ahead and a Call for Entries
Friday, March 1, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT New Campus Esports Facility Attracting Gamers, Panel Discusses Race and Racism in America; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: âCoffee and Connection in Atlantic Cityâ March 7; SPOTLIGHT ON: Students Exhibit Art Inspired by Cyprus; FRAME-WORTHY: Off-the-Beaten Path; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Instagram, Facebook; OSPREY NOTES: Spring Semester FAFSA Fridays, Choose Summer at Stockton; FROM THE SIDELINES: Ospreys Soar with Track & Field All-Conference Honors UPCOMING EVENTS: International Womenâs Day Celebration, Rowing and Growing with the Ospreys, Pinelands Weekend, Annual Tuition Hearing, Open House, Graduate Research Symposium; STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE: Upcoming Open Sessions
Friday, Feb. 22, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Rowing is Growing at Stockton, Ventnor Couple Establishes Scholarship, New Fund Supports Marine Science at Stockton; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Upcoming Events; SPOTLIGHT ON: Kazi Sheds Light on Politics and Anti-Muslim Racism in New Book; FRAME-WORTHY: Children's Drawings from Darfur Preserved; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Instagram, Facebook; OSPREY NOTES: SCOSA Holds Strategic Planning Retreat, Spring Semester FAFSA Fridays, America Saves Week; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Cross Country Team Earn Academic Honors, Ferebee Selected NJAC Honorable Mention, Stockton Men Second, Women Third in NJAC Championships; âROLEâ CALL: Jennifer Kosakowski, Marcos Aguina, UPCOMING EVENTS: Black History Month, Transfer Admissions Day at Kramer Hall in Hammonton, Spring 2019 Career and Internship Fair, International Womenâs Day Celebration, Rowing and Growing with the Ospreys, Pinelands Weekend, Annual Tuition Hearing, Open House; STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE: Upcoming Open Sessions
Friday, Feb. 15, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Congressman Jeff Van Drew to Speak at Commencement, Foundation Welcomes New Members, Stockton Sweethearts: From Ospreys to Love Birds; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Catch a Movie Next Week; SPOTLIGHT ON: Stoler, Students Help Tell Stories of Streams; FRAME-WORTHY: Holocaust Center Hosts Anne Frank Exhibit, Friends of Hellenic Studies Get Submersed in Armenian Culture, Art; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook, Twitter; OSPREY NOTES: Spring Semester FAFSA Fridays; FROM THE SIDELINES: Murzello First Stockton Softball Player to Make National List, Stockton Competes, Wins at Fastrack Meet; UPCOMING EVENTS: Black History Month, Unity Day, Board of Trustees meeting, Transfer Admissions Day at Kramer Hall in Hammonton, Rowing and Growing with the Ospreys; STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE: Upcoming Open Sessions
Friday, Feb. 8, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Unity Day Fosters Learning, Listening, Understanding, Stockton Signs Agreement with Rowan College at Gloucester County, Have a Seat in Student-Designed Chairs; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: âSecond Saturdays in Atlantic Cityâ Happening Tomorrow; SPOTLIGHT ON: Stockton Team Attends NASPA Conference through 2020 Funding; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Facebook, Instagram; OSPREY NOTES: Comments Sought for Stockton Police Reaccreditation, Spring Semester FAFSA Fridays; FROM THE SIDELINES: Desmond & Cross Country Team Collect NJAIAW Honors, Donzanti Sets New School Record in Womenâs Basketball, Calloway Gains New Outlook at NCAA Convention; UPCOMING EVENTS: Black History Month, Unity Day, Board of Trustees meeting, Transfer Admissions Day at Kramer Hall in Hammonton, Rowing and Growing with the Ospreys, Upcoming Strategic Plan Open Sessions
Friday, Feb. 1, 2019- WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: New Minor Offered in Migration Studies, Reid-Merritt Edits Book on State-by-State History of Race in U.S.; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Catch a Movie Next Week; SPOTLIGHT ON: Hornbeck Receives Scholarship to Support Research in Alaska; FRAME-WORTHY: Prince Edmund a âManeâ Attraction at Get Involved Fair; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Twitter, Facebook; OSPREY NOTES: Spring Semester FAFSA Fridays; FROM THE SIDELINES: Wharton and Gallo Recognized by Inside Lacrosse Magazine; âROLEâ CALL:Search Begins for School of Business Dean, Joe Welsh, BJ Fox; UPCOMING EVENTS: Black History Month, Unity Day, Board of Trustees meeting, Rowing and Growing with the Ospreys, Upcoming Strategic Plan Open Sessions
Friday, Jan. 25, 2019 - WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Almost 1,000 Take Part in 15th Annual MLK Day of Service, Faculty Research Published on Benefits of Days of Service, Partnerships Announced for Cannabis Studies Program, Stockton Signs Transfer Agreement with Mercer County Community College; STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE: Upcoming Open Sessions Announced; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: University Members Make Strides in Atlantic City Womenâs March, New Campus Store Hours, Catch a Movie Tonight ; SPOTLIGHT ON: Stockton Professor featured in New York Times, NJ Monthly; FRAME-WORTHY: Rainbow Over Stockton; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Instagram, Facebook; OSPREY NOTES: Accomplish Your Academic Writing Goals Through FAWN, Spring Semester FAFSA Fridays; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Esports Updates; âROLEâ CALL: Jessica Cruz-Irwin; UPCOMING EVENTS: Transfer Admissions Day at Manahawkin Location, Rowing and Growing with the Ospreys
Friday, Jan. 18, 2019 - WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Dual Credit Course Fills 'Math Gap' for High School Seniors, Art Professors Display Work in Art Gallery, Upcoming Open Sessions Announced for Institutional Strategic Plan; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: Catch a Movie at 91ÊÓÆ” Atlantic City,âCoffee and Connection in Atlantic Cityâ Spring Dates Announced ; SPOTLIGHT ON: Karavackas joins IBAVI Institute Advisory Board; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture StocktonâŠConducting Science in Space; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram; OSPREY NOTES: FAFSA Fridays; FROM THE SIDELINES: Stockton Track & Field Season Hits the Ground Running; âROLEâ CALL: Susan Werner; UPCOMING EVENTS: 15th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, Transfer Admissions Day at Manahawkin Location
Friday, Jan. 11, 2019 - WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: Middle School Girls Get Wrapped Up at Tween Tech, OceanFirst Foundation Awards $50,000 for Scholarships; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: âCoffee and Connection in Atlantic Cityâ Spring Dates Announced, New AtlantiCare Facility Virtual Tour; SPOTLIGHT ON: UNIDOS Collects Toys for Three Kings Day Celebration in Atlantic City; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture StocktonâŠLooking at Maritime History Uncovered in Stone Harbor; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Twitter, Facebook; FROM THE SIDELINES: Athletes Help Make Special Olympics a Gold Medal Event; âROLEâ CALL: Shakera McAlliser, Christina Birchler; UPCOMING EVENTS: Spring Semester Begins, 15th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, Transfer Admissions Day at Manahawkin Campus
Friday, Jan. 4, 2019 - WHAT WEâRE TALKING ABOUT: 19 Reason to Celebrate Stockton in 2019, Stockton and Ocean County College Sign Transfer Agreement, Learn by the Numbers in Data Science Masters Program; STOCKTON UNIVERSITY ATLANTIC CITY: New Yearâs Writing Retreat to be held at Stockton Atlantic City, Stockton Venues in Atlantic City Highlighted by AAA World; SPOTLIGHT ON: NPR Interviews Stockton Professor on New Orthodox Church in Ukraine, Itaas Helps Migrant Mariners Celebrate Holiday Season, NJECC Sweepstakes Winner: Simon Quint; FRAME-WORTHY: Picture StocktonâŠfrom the viewpoint of Apple Pie Hill Fire Tower; WHAT'S TRENDING #STOCKTONU: Twitter, Facebook; OSPREY NOTES: Take the 91ÊÓÆ” ADA Campus Survey; FROM THE SIDELINES: Basketball Team Lends a Hand for Special Olympics; âROLEâ CALL: Gina Maguire, Terri Carr; UPCOMING EVENTS: Spring Semester Begins, 15th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service