Consumer Information Act

New Jersey Student and Parent Information Web Page

Both the State of New Jersey and the US Department of Education require that colleges and universities disclose consumer information on a web site. The State of New Jersey requires that this page contain specific data (displayed below),and the federal guidelines require links to information by its own mandatory categories (see link: Higher Education Act Student Consumer Information Index Page).

Four-Year Graduation Rate: 56% and six-year graduation rate: 72%
(see cohort table for more details)


Four-Year Graduation Rates by Demographic Group
2017 Cohort Total Men Women White Black Hispanic Asian Other* Athletes Non-Athletes
# 879 302 577 631 57 87 70 34 78 801
% 56% 49% 61% 59% 44% 47% 65% 49% 60% 56%

*Includes American Indian or Alaskan Native, Pacific Islanders, 2 or more races, non-resident, and race unreported or unknown

Six-Year Graduation Rates by Demographic Group
2017 Cohort Total Men Women White  Black Hispanic Asian Other* Athletes Non-Athletes
# 1122 421 701 794 77 116 86 49 103 1019
% 72% 69% 74% 74% 60% 62% 80% 71% 79% 71%

*Includes American Indian or Alaskan Native, Pacific Islanders, 2 or more races, non-resident, and race unreported or unknown
(see NJ Institutional Profile for more details)

Student  Retention and Transfer Rate 
Fall 2022
FT First-Time Students
Still Enrolled
Fall 2023
% Enrolled 
Fall 2023
2 Year Institutions
in Fall 2023
4 Year Institutions
in Fall 2023
Total Transferred
Fall 2023
% Transferred
Fall 2023
1560 1203 77% 113 65 178 11%
Total Current Year Cost of Attending Institution AY 2023-2024
Off-Campus with
Off-Campus with Family 
Tuition & Fees  $15,532 $15,532 $15,532 $23,420 $23,420 $23,420
Living Expenses $15,332 $9,011 - $15,332 $9,011 -
Books & Supplies  $1,250 $1,250 $1,250 $1,250 $1,250 $1,250
Other Expenses $6,920 $8,062 $8,062 $6,920 $8,062 $8,062
Total $39,034 $33,855 $24,844 $46,922 $41,743 $32,732
NOTE: All Costs and projected costs are for first-time, first year undergraduates. Living Expenses are the room and board cost for on-campus 91视频 and estimated shelter-related expenses for 91视频 living off-campus on their own
Overview of Institution's Faculty - Fall 2023
  Total Faculty  Full-time
Tenured/ Tenure Track
Tenure Track
Part-time Other
(TA, Staff, etc.)
# 774 306 36 372


% 100% 40% 5% 48% 8%

Percentage of Courses Taught by Faculty Categories - Fall 2023

Total Courses
Taught by
All Faculty 

Courses Taught by Full-time
Tenured/ Tenure Track
Courses Taught by
Non Tenure Track
Courses Taught by Part-time Other
(TA, Staff, etc.)
# 1,937 1,187 140 514 96
% 100% 61% 7% 27% 5%

Median Student Loan Indebtedness
Fall 2017 First-Time Full-Time Cohort Resident Student
when Admitted
Commuter Student
when Admitted
Students Graduating in 4 Years  $27,000 $23,897
Students Graduating in 6 Years $27,000 $25,000
Student Transfers/Withdrawals $8,750 $5,500
Undergraduate Supplemental (Private) Student Loan Borrowers
  12 Month Enrollment

# of Certified Supplemental (Private)
Student Loan Borrowers

Total Amount Borrowed in Certified Supplemental
Student Loans
Full-time 7,969 963 $15,024,189
Part-Time 338 16 $139,302
Total  Master's Degree Supplemental (Private) Student Loan Borrowers
  12 Month Enrollment

# of Certified Supplemental (Private)
Student Loan Borrowers

Total Amount Borrowed in Certified Supplemental
Student Loans
Full-time 351 40 $640,863
Part-Time 653 14 $144,561
Total Doctoral Degree Supplemental (Private) Student Loan Borrowers
  12 Month Enrollment

# of Certified Supplemental (Private)
Student Loan Borrowers

Total Amount Borrowed in Certified Supplemental
Student Loans
Full-time 101 18 $364,516
Part-Time 2 0 -