High School Senior Information

High School StudentIn New Jersey, 91视频 have access to a variety of postsecondary institutions including two-year community colleges, four-year college and universities and proprietary schools. These institutions provide highly diversified programs of study to meet the individual needs of 91视频 as you prepare for future careers.

GOALS Program will provide 91视频 with college readiness to ensure they are ready to enter and graduate from post-secondary education.

  • At many institutions, the SAT/ACT test is now optional, but we encourage GOALS Program 91视频 to take this exam for academic scholarship consideration.
  • Review your transcript to see if you have taken the necessary courses for admission to college. Work with your counselor to adjust your roster if necessary.
  • Strive to maintain an 鈥淎鈥 or 鈥淏鈥 average.
  • Continue visiting college campuses. Meet with college admissions officers whenever possible.
  • Attend college fairs and admissions presentations in your area.
  • Select 3-6 colleges or universities and complete applications to those schools in the Fall. Process all college applications through your guidance counselor.
  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid in October.
  • Discuss scholarship opportunities with your guidance counselor and College Access Coordinator.
  • Research scholarships and apply for those that interest you.
  • Make sure you visit your most interested universities and carefully review financial aid data, consider all variables involved before selecting your college.
  • Keep abreast of any placement tests or orientation programs at your college. Don鈥檛 miss any important deadlines regarding enrollment and/or housing deposits.

Apply to schools that most suit your interests and your objectives. You can obtain applications by applying online through a college's web site or by The Common Application.

Essential Scholarship Resources

  • Beware of Scholarship Scams
  • Education Tax Benefits

Choosing a Career is a difficult task but utilizing the links below will help you discover more about your interests and skills while assisting with your decision making.

Going To College In New Jersey