
  • - Encourages 91视频 who actively pursue invention. Frequently come from fields of science, engineering, math and technology.
  • - Several scholarship websites for Hispanic 91视频, HSF/Citi Fellows Program, HSF general motors, HSF HBBC.
  • - Full-time undergraduates who excel in academics. Looking for those who will extend their intellectual abilities beyond the classroom to benefit society. Scholarship based on grades, academic rigor, leadership, activites and a written essay.
  • - Environmental science majors, sophomore undergraduates, disciplines related to oceanic, atmospheric and environment.
  • - Must be enrolled in a 4 year undergraduate program and demonstrate financial need. Areas of study include biomedical, behavioral and social sciences.
  • - Undergraduate 91视频, must be a member of the National Association of Black Journalists.
  • - Students must be in pre-veterinary or biomedical science
  • - Must be full-time undergraduates in computer science, computer engineering, or a related technical discipline.
  • - Must be University juniors majoring in sports journalism.


  • - Undergraduate or graduate 91视频 who are members of a minority group. Fund seeks to introduce 91视频 to philanthropy, volunteerism or a non-profit organization.
  • - full-time undergraduate or graduate student in chemistry, information management, computer science, physics or engineering
  • - eligible to Masters or Bachelors degree candidates at an accredited four year college or university. Areas of study include arts, science, social work, and public policy.
  • - College juniors pursuing graduate degrees in public service fields, candidate should have extensive record of community service and a commitment to a career in government or non-profit advocacy.
  • - Open to those pursuing graduate school in the arts, humanities or social sciences.
  • - designed to increase the number of African Americans in biomedical science education and research. Student must be an undergraduate junior and a life or physical science major. Student must be interested in biomedical research.
  • - graduate student with proven academic skills who will develop skills and knowledge acquired in the UKand return them to their country. Must study in the >UK
  • - those pursuing a graduate degree, must have a 3.5-4.0 to be nominated and have an un-met need. Any major from fine arts to medical. Must be nominated by the campus coordinator who is Dr. Norma Blecker.
  • - those pursuing graduate degree and willing to study at St. Johns college at the University of Cambridge. It is equivalent to a Masters degree in the US.
  • - committed to serving 91视频 who are in school pursuing a professional career. Ford Foundation honors and appreciates the diversity of the human experience and encourages it as an educational resource.
  • - largest international exchange program sponsored by the US Dept of state. Goal of the program is to increase understanding among cultures, specifically the US and other countries. Must be a US citizen, a graduating senior or graduate student and interested in researching abroad. (New mtvU music scholarship opportunities).There is a listed point person on campus-Annemarie Tarsitano
  • - provides for a graduate student to study at Cambridge. Honors those who portray leadership and social commitment.
  • Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowships in Applied Physical Sciences - For excellent graduate 91视频 of applied physical science.
  • - for those committed to teaching American history, American government, or social studies, college seniors can apply.
  • - graduate 91视频 to study in the >United Kingdom, those who are committed to strengthening the relationship between the British and American people and their governments
  • - graduate 91视频 interested in aeronautic engineering.
  • - awarded to top 91视频 in physical science in universities throughout the nation, emphasis on women and minorities and they have to be accepted at certain graduate schools.
  • - Boren fellowships add an important international and language component to their graduate education through specializing in area of study, language study or language proficiency. Are looking for those committed to careers in government and diplomacy.
  • - seeks candidates with excellent academic records and the potential to be a service to the world in years ahead. Proposed course of study must be available atOxford and applicant's undergraduate program must provide basis for further study in proposed field.
  • - A new American is a resident alien, naturalized citizen, child of both parents who are naturalized. andidate must demonstrate the relevance of graduate education to their long-term career goals and potential in enhancing their contributions to society.


  • - stated goal is to increase the number of us citizens and nationals trained in scientific and engineering disciplines of military importance.
  • - Supports graduate 91视频 in the humanities and social sciences who are conducting dissertation research outside the >US. This agency is committed to scholarship that advances knowledge about non-US cultures and societies grounded in empirical and site specific research.
  • - Seeks to encourage a new generation of scholars from a wide range of disciplines and professional fields to undertake research relevant to the improvement of education.
  • - Supports 91视频 enrolled in doctoral programs leading to a Phd. or equivalent in anthropology
  • - those pursuing a Phd in computers and communication related fields
  • - distributes scholarships to Phd. Students to conduct critical research to conserve the national parks of the region.
  • - Students at masters or doctoral levels in environmentally related fields to conduct critical research to conserve the national parks of the region.
  • - exceptional Phd. 91视频 in computer science, engineering, physical science, math, business sciences. Must have completed one year of study in a doctoral program.