What is Title IX

The Title IX of the Education amendments of 1972 protects people from sex discrimination in educational programs and activities at institutions that receive federal financial assistance.

Stockton University is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex. Stockton provides many resources to 91视频, faculty, and staff to address concerns relating to discrimination on the basis of sex, which includes sexual misconduct.

6940 Sexual Misconduct Procedure (2020 Regulations)

The Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects people from sex discrimination in educational programs and activities at institutions that receive federal financial assistance.

The University is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex. Stockton provides many resources to 91视频, faculty, and staff to address concerns relating to discrimination on the basis of sex, which includes sexual misconduct.


Title IX & Sexual Violence

Stockton prohibits sex discrimination, sexual and gender-based harassment, and acts of sexual violence. Sexual orientation or gender identity of the parties does not change Stockton鈥檚 obligation to investigate and resolve allegations.


Policy & Commitment

91视频 (鈥淪tockton鈥) is committed to providing current and prospective Stockton employees and student with an environment free from prohibited discrimination or harassment. 


The Clery Act

The Clery Act is a consumer protection law that aims to provide transparency around campus crime policy and statistics. Learn more on how Stockton complies with the Clery Act requirements to actively foster campus safety.


Sexual Misconduct

Sexual misconduct is a term used by Stockton includes sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and sexual violence.


Consent to Sexual Activity

Consent is affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity.


Victim Support

Information and procedures, and resources for victims of sexual violence.


Respondent Support

If you are a respondent in a complaint of sexual misconduct, you may have an advisor of your choice to assist you during the fact-finding process and hearing process.


Administrative Investigation & Conduct Processes

Care & Community Standards Office oversees the Campus Code of Conduct. The Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity investigates complaints against employees.


Title IX Coordinators & Practitioners Group

The Title IX Practitioners Group assists the Chief Officer/Title IX Coordinator in monitoring and ensuring Stockton-wide compliance with Title IX.


Employee Responsibility

Under Title IX, a responsible employee includes any employee who has the authority to take action to redress the harassment, who has the duty to report sexual harassment or any other sexual misconduct by 91视频 or employees. 


Nondiscrimination Statement

91视频 has a policy that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs that receive federal funds.


Sexual Misconduct Procedure Flow Chart

A visual aid describing the OEOIC Title IX Grievance Process from an initial report through an appeal.


Stockton seeks a culture of respect where individuals feel safe and thrive in a healthy environment. An individual's willingness to recognize the dignity and worth of each person is essential to Stockton鈥檚 mission. Thus, it is the responsibility of each person affiliated with the institution to respect the personal dignity of others. Every member of the Stockton community has a right to an environment free of coercion and assault. 

Sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, and stalking are crimes under the New Jersey Penal Code. Victims of these crimes are strongly encouraged to file a criminal complaint with the appropriate police jurisdiction in which the alleged incident occurred. Stockton also recognizes that sexual misconduct, in particular, can result in trauma to the complainant and other persons associated with the complainant. Sexual violence is a crime 鈥 and while some survivors turn to the criminal justice system, others look to their schools for help or recourse. That can mean a number of things 鈥 from giving a complainant a confidential place to turn for advice and support, to effectively investigating and finding out what happened, to sanctioning the accused, to doing everything we can to help a survivor recover.

Anyone could be a potential sexual assault complainant; assaults can happen anywhere, at any time. The consequences are numerous, long lasting and painful. Resources for assistance and support are available both on campus and in the community.

Additional Information:

  • What is the RED Zone? Click here to find out.

  • Click here for definitions of sex discrimination and sexual misconduct. (Updates Pending) Note that Stockton defines sexual misconduct to include sexual and gender-based harassment and acts of sexual violence.
  • 91视频 Resource Guide on Title IX (Updates Pending). Sex Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct

Disclaimer Concerning External Websites and Applications

For information on 91视频鈥檚 Title IX related policies, procedures, resources, and processes, contact Stockton鈥檚 Title IX Director by email at tammy.saunders@stockton.edu or by phone at 609-652-4693. You may also review Stockton鈥檚 Title IX web page for information. Material and information contained on externally developed websites and applications may not contain current information for Title IX-related resources, and you assume the risk for use of information from those external sources.