Campus Center Fireplace Tour - East Side

Platonic Solids
Euclid, the Father of Geometry, described the platonic solids in his series of thirteen written works known collectively as the Elements.

Venn diagrams are normally comprised of overlapping circles. The interior of the circle symbolically represents the elements of the set, while the exterior represents elements which are not members of the set.

Family Tree
The family tree might inspire you to define family or it may persuade you to research your own family ancestry. The family tree etching can be interpreted as a map to a common ancestor.

The Triple Spiral Maze was first discovered at a prehistoric site in Ireland. It is one of the oldest maze patterns ever discovered, although others have been found throughout Europe.

Michelangelo's Sibyl
A man of many talents, Michelangelo painted sibyls--prophetic women of the Classical world--on the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Now we can enjoy a similar etching on Stockton's fireplace.