Campus Hearing Board FAQ


campus hearing board picture

Additional information about the Campus Hearing Board (CHB) process can be found below. Still have a question? Contact 

You can file a complaint  or log into your goPortal, the complaint form can be found under the Student Life tab. 

No, the Office of Student Conduct reserves the right to review any complaint submitted, prior to a pre-hearing interview, to determine if the Campus Hearing Board is the appropriate venue for resolution of the complaint.

Lack of knowledge of a rule is not an excuse for misconduct. Every student is responsible for knowing the rules and regulations of the University. It is important for you to read the Student Conduct Code found on the 91视频 website.  Also, if you are unsure about any policies, contact staff at the Office of Student Conduct for clarification.

91视频's Code of Student Conduct is an outline of the University's expectations of behavior that promotes the safety and welfare of the community.  The Campus Hearing Board process is entirely separate from the court system and is not a legal process.  However, it is possible that some of the violations in the Code of Student Conduct are also violations of local, state or federal law. Students may have to face both criminal charges and University disciplinary charges. It must be noted that the findings in one area will not be an acceptable challenge to the findings in the other.

Yes. Individuals who are members of the University community have a responsibility to represent themselves in a lawful and responsible manner at all times, both on and off the campus. In doing so, members of the University community should know that they will be held accountable for their off-campus actions and/or behaviors as they relate to established laws and regulations of federal, state and local agencies, as well as policies of the University.

You will receive an email available at your Stockton email address from the Office of Student Conduct asking you to click on a link to retrieve your letterOnce you clicked on that link, you must type in your Z number, starting with a lower case z, to view your letter.  Example (z12345678).

A Campus Hearing Board Panel consists of 91视频, faculty, and staff members.  An Administrative Panel will consist of faculty/staff.  A Special Administrative Hearing Panel and Interim Suspension Panel will consist of faculty/staff members. 

No. Your attendance, or lack of, will not be used against you in determing whether you are responsible for violating a code.

You have three primary options for participation:

  • Attend the hearing
  • Submit a written statement in lieu of attending the hearing
  • Do not participate

Your Pre-Hearing Officer can review these options in more detail with you.

Yes, although you are not required to have an advisor.  An advisor may be an attorney, counselor, parent or roommate, etc.  At a hearing, an advisor may quietly advise you. However, they may not participate in the hearing, address the panel, witnesses or any other person present at the hearing.

Evidence can be submitted through this .

Evidence can be submitted via this form by either the Complainant or Respondent. Witness statements will not be accepted through this form.

Witness statements must be submitted to our office directly by the witness. Witnesses can submit their written statements prior to the hearing through this .

Character references can also be submitted via this form directly by the author of the reference.

If your witness is not affiliated with Stockton and does not have goPortal access, please contact for alternate submission instructions.

Examples of sanctions include:

  • Status Change (Warning, Probation, Suspension, Expulsion)
  • Fine
  • Community Service
  • Educational Assignments

Minimum sanctions are intended to serve as a guideline, and may be adjusted according to specific situations and circumstances. Misconduct that is motivated by discriminatory intent may result in the imposition of a more serious sanction.

Every student and each case is different, however similar cases are resolved similarly during the Pre-Hearing Interview. Typically, the Campus Hearing Board Panel looks at the individual factors of each case and may alter the recommended sanctions accordingly. 

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) protects the privacy of 91视频' educational records, including disciplinary files, from disclosure to any third party without the student's permission. This means that the specifics of a student's disciplinary case will not be discussed with his or her parents or with anyone else, unless the student has waived that right to privacy.  You can check the parental notification selection you made by going to the Registrar鈥檚 Office. (See below for an exception to this rule.)

So if FERPA won't let the Office of Student Conduct talk to my parents/family, why did my family member get a phone call/letter about the incident I was involved in?

FERPA's provisions are not absolute; there are limited exceptions. The Higher Education Reauthorization Act of 1998 allows colleges and universities to contact the parents/family of 91视频 in disciplinary cases involving drugs and alcohol. The University's parental notification policy provides for different types of contact depending on the type of violation.

You can sign the to give your parents/family/advisor access to a particular case. FERPA waivers without a specific case number indicated will not be accepted. 

The proceedings, the identity of those involved, all files, testimony and findings are private and will generally be disclosed only with your permission. However, University officials will be given information on a 鈥渘eed-to-know鈥 basis.

Yes, the physical file is housed in the Office of Student Conduct. The disciplinary file will be destroyed no earlier than seven years from the date of the finding of responsible as mandated by various federal laws, with some exceptions. Please see the Student Handbook for additional information. 

Suspensions and expulsions are notated on your transcript.

If you are interested in reviewing your discplinary record or obtaining copies (outside of background checks for school and/or employment purposes), please see our Records Disclosure and Maintenance Policy in the Student Handbook. A response to your request will be given within 45 days. 

Yes. An appeal must be submitted, in writing, within seven (7) business days of the distribution of the outcome letter. Appeal instructions are included in your outcome letter.

Appeals will only considered for:

  • Procedural irregularity or substantive error that affected the outcome of the matter.; Deviations from the University鈥檚 policy and procedures will not be a basis for sustaining an appeal unless significant prejudice resulted
  • New evidence that could affect the outcome of the matter that was not reasonably available at the time the determination regarding responsibility or dismissal was made
  • The sanction(s) imposed were substantially disproportionate or not appropriate in light of the violation(s).

Appeals for sanction(s) excluding suspension or expulsion will be heard by an Appeal Panel. Appeals for sanction(s) of suspension or expulsion will be heard by the Vice President of Student Affairs (or designee) or the President of the University (or designee), respectively.

Complete the  All records will be sent directly to the school/employer.

Some government agencies will dispatch agents directly to our office to request these requests. These records will only be given if the agent has a signed released from the student and proper identification. The form should still be completed by that agent.

Please allow at least 48 hours (business days only) for records to be released once all documents are received.

Questions can be submitted to:

Requests to remove a hold can be submitted to:

Requests will be evaluated on a case by case basis. If the request is granted, please allow 48 hours (business days only) for the hold to be released. Please keep in mind, holds are typically placed on student accounts by the Office of Student Conduct for incomplete sanctions, suspensions, expulsions, or cases with the sanction of suspension or expulsion in the appeals phase. 

Theses policies and procedures are available on the Stockton website and can be found utilizing the search bar in the top right corner or clicking the links below:

Campus Hearing Board Procedure (Students 91视频)

Campus Conduct Code


Yes! Our office name officially changed Summer 2021. We were also known as the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities. If you have a previous conduct concern, question, or case, this is the correct office to contact.