Defining Stockton鈥檚 Edge: What Sets Us Apart?

What makes 91视频 special? How should we continue to stand out in the years ahead? As we shape our next strategic plan, we want to hear from you - 91视频, faculty, staff, and community members - about the qualities that define Stockton today and the bold moves we need to make for the future.

Share your ideas on what differentiates Stockton and how we can sharpen our competitive edge. Your insights will help us craft a strategic direction that ensures Stockton remains a leader in education, innovation, and community impact.

Share Your Thoughts & Ideas

I hope Stockton continues to promote its unique geographic location in South Jersey, highlighting our beautiful waterfront campuses. With both a lake and an ocean, as well as our proximity to three major cities, we have a lot to be proud of!
Nicole Suprun
I hope Stockton continues to strive for growth as a leader in coastal and pinelands research, and a steward of our environment. That is where it all began - a coastal campus nestled in the woods. Given the rapid pace of environmental change in these areas, there remains much work to do and innovation to seek.  Stockton is positioned to lead - I hope we seize the opportunity.
Steve Evert
I hope Stockton can maintain the wonderful ways that make it unique while also making necessary adaptations to better its future.
Nico Musitano
Nico Musitano
I dream of a culture at Stockton that is transparent, innovative, inclusive, and concordant.
Esther Lawrence
I hope that Stockton can keep the good parts that it has and still make changes that will foster a better future. I want to be part of that change at Stockton.
Chad Roberts
I want Stockton to flourish as a thriving, diverse, and creative community where everyone has access to opportunities. In order to strengthen the economy and improve people's quality of life, I hope to see more money being spent on education, jobs, and local companies. Our strategic plan should place a high priority on community involvement, sustainable infrastructure, and public safety. By working together, we can create a future in which Stockton is a shining example of development, resiliency, and harmony.
George Hayes
I hope Stockton continues to develop its partnerships to cultivate a thriving regional community.
Roland Regos
I hope Stockton maintains, and grows, its deep commitment to interdisciplinary learning.
Heather McGovern