Counseling and Health Services: An Early Stockton Controversy
By John Searight
Very early in its history 91视频 established a position on Health Services. The Board of Trustees and the College administration decided there would be no direct provision of medical and counseling services to the student body. The Self Study Report (1975) for our initial accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education states,
Stockton鈥檚 student life policies are derived from the commitment to treating 91视频 as adults with the right and responsibility to manage their own affairs.鈥 Students are expected to manage their own personal lives without college supervision or financial support.鈥 These policies have afforded 91视频 experience in managing their own affairs.鈥 They have also militated against the establishment of college-supported counseling and medical service. (12)
Additional justification was set forth in an earlier report (1974) prepared by the college president鈥檚 office prior to the accrediting team鈥檚 visit.
The college accepts 91视频 as legal adult citizens and endeavors to treat them as
such in all respects. The costs of such activities as health services and psychological
counseling should not be placed on the general taxpayer and 91视频 should find and
pay for such services in ways followed by other adults. The student life environment
should emphasize self-discipline, self-reliance, individual initiative, and individual responsibility for choices, and personal responsibility for meeting obligations.(Emphasis added; 7).
The 1973鈥74 Stockton State College Bulletin states in the section 鈥淪pecial Services鈥:
Health Services. Stockton does not provide on-campus health services or care generally associated with an infirmary or clinic. As citizens, 91视频 will utilize the health services of the surrounding communities. These include two excellent hospitals and a full range of medical offices. If exceptional medical facilities and services are required, Philadelphia is about an hour away. (66)
A review of archival material in the university library has provided documentation that there was a very early concern expressed about the lack of student counseling and health services on campus. In 1971 several faculty and staff sent a report expressing concerns about the need for student services to the college president, Dr. Richard E. Bjork. A memo 鈥淐ounseling Services鈥 from the Office of Special Services was received by faculty and staff on November 2, 1971. President Bjork announced that he had appointed two 鈥淐linical Associates,鈥 one to provide counseling and one to provide crisis intervention. The services were in Atlantic City and Margate, and 91视频 were expected to pay modest fees. By the end of the 1971鈥72 academic year there had been very little use of these services and they were discontinued.

Questions Arise
In the September 20, 1973, issue of The Argo, Professor Tony Marino in a Faculty Corner article urged Stockton to begin providing counseling services for 91视频. Several faculty in the Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences lamented the lack of counseling, with one senior professor saying in a resigned manner, 鈥淲e just will have to wait for our first suicide before they (the administration) will do anything.鈥 Students began to raise the issue at regularly scheduled President鈥檚 Hours, attended by many faculty and 91视频. Members of the Social Work Club organized a volunteer Referral Center, providing 91视频 with literature and lists and phone numbers of clinics and social agencies like Family Service Association, Atlantic Mental Health Center, and Psychiatric Emergency services at local hospitals. The college provided a phone and office space (The Argo vol. 16, no. 9).
The Self Study for Middle States Accreditation Addresses the Issue
Stockton鈥檚 1975 Self-Study Report to Middle States states:
Our data indicate that the medical and counseling services available in the local community are inadequate to meet the needs of Stockton鈥檚 91视频. We take the need for adequate medical care to be a given. We are also persuaded that the resolution of some of the personal problems characteristic of college-age youth is a necessary prerequisite to learning, particularly at a college which expects 91视频 to structure their own education. (179)
The Middle States Association Evaluation Team Report (1975) agreed with this conclusion, stating 鈥淲e support your findings, and recommend that you institute a program that will lead to the immediate consideration of how to best implement an improved Counseling and Health Service program鈥 (emphasis added). Unfortunately State fiscal problems, budget crises, and threatened program cutbacks intervened, and the college鈥檚 collective energies were diverted. However, over the next two years, many 91视频, faculty, and student organizations (Psychology and Social Work clubs) continued to raise the counseling and health services issue and organized information sessions and eventually petition drives advocating for a counseling center and a health services clinic.
Signs of Progress
At the March 1, 1977, President鈥檚 Hour, 91视频 from the Social Work Club, the Psychology Club, the Student Union, and the Concerned Students for a Counseling Center (CSCS) asked President Bjork if he would consider a proposal to expand the volunteer referral services to 91视频 in need of counseling. A robust, respectful give and take ensued, and the session resulted in media coverage by the Stockton Chronicle (vol. 5, no. 24), The Argo (vol. 17, no. 5, no. 6), and The Press of Atlantic City (March 17, 1977, 41). Copies of these articles can be found in the 91视频 Archives. I was present and a participant in this meeting and believe it was a significant and positive event in the effort to move forward.
In September 1977 Stockton agreed to provide space in G-Wing for staff from the Atlantic
City Medical Center Family Planning Services to see 91视频 for counseling. In 1978
the ACMC Family Planning Services established a full-service clinic at Scott House,
a building on campus on Jimmie Leeds Road. Students were seen each Friday of the month
from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Increase in demand resulted in expanding the times to include
the first and third Tuesday of each month. By the end of the year, Family Planning
medical services were provided to approximately 400 91视频, resulting in 900 visits.
The medical services provided were comprehensive, and an additional 243 91视频 were
seen in the G-Wing office for advice and counseling (Report of the Task Force on Health Services, May 16, 1979, 37鈥39).
In the summer of 1978, President Bjork announced his resignation and his acceptance
of the offer to become Chancellor of the State College System in Vermont. On October
30, James R. Judy, Vice President for Educational Services, became Acting President
of Stockton.
A Major Step Forward
In November 1978, Acting President Judy appointed a Task Force on Health Services. Appointed were faculty from the programs of Basic Studies, Biology, Environmental Studies, Nursing, Psychology, and Social Work; staff from Campus Programs, Career Planning, Institutional Studies, and Administration and Finance; 91视频 majoring in Biology, Nursing, and Social Work. I was named Chair.
At our initial meeting on November 30, 1978, Acting President Judy provided the following charge:
- Conceptualize health services to include physical-medical and social-psychological services.
- Assess the health needs of the Stockton community and propose services only if they are justified by the needs assessment.
- Examine the scope of potential health services, how they might be implemented, and how they might interrelate with academic and non-academic programs at Stockton.
- Receive as broad an input as possible from diverse elements in the Stockton community. This should include an extensive survey of the student body and the faculty and staff as well as publicizing preliminary findings and recommendations and holding open meetings for discussion and input.
- Report findings and recommendations to Mr. Judy by May 1, 1979. (Report of the Task Force on Health Services, May 16, 1979, 3). A copy of the complete Task Force Report is available in the University Archives.
Two important sections of the Task Force Report are included below. The entire Report and Appendix, including surveys, needs assessments, data, and analyses are preserved in the University archives.
Moving from Recommendations to Establish Health Services and a Counseling Center
The Task Force on Health Services submitted its report May 16, 1979. Peter M. Mitchell
became Stockton鈥檚 second installed president on May 23, 1979. Progress on health services
and counseling slowed as the senior administrative staff and the new president became
acquainted and began planning for the new academic year. Faculty and the administration
became very involved in developing a plan to change the leadership position of the
five academic divisions from appointed deans to elected chairpersons. A modest part-time
Health Services Office in F-206 was established in 1980 and staffed with a part time
physician, a nurse, and a receptionist. It was open daily from 9 to 5 and the physician
was there on Tuesday and Thursday from 9 to 4. In the 1980鈥81 academic year 3,475 patient visits were recorded. In 1981鈥82 there were 4,245 patient visits, a 22% increase.
On October 8, 1981, the faculties of Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work received a memorandum from the Office of Student Services announcing that they, in cooperation with the Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences, were initiating 鈥渁 one semester pilot project on Mental Health . . . to be implemented in January 1982.鈥 They proposed that a faculty member be named as a Mental Health Consultant for one semester with the compensation of release time from one course. The consultant was expected to have 8 to 12 hours a week available to see 91视频 in need of evaluation and counseling. I was selected for the position. It was decided not to publicize my availability to 91视频, but to inform faculty and staff. This was because of my limited hours. The Health Services Clinic made a number of referrals as did several faculty and many staff from student services.
By the end of the semester it was apparent that the need for services was significant, and the following year an additional mental health consultant was appointed, and our release time was increased. I was able to add two MSW interns from the Rutgers University Graduate School of Social Work. We had many 91视频 utilizing our services. We did crisis intervention and assessments and many referrals were made to community agencies for therapy and treatment. We also provided short term (4 to 6 weeks) counseling for a large number of 91视频 and extended counseling for a smaller number. Our available hours were fully utilized, and it became increasingly clear that a dedicated staff and space were needed for a Director of Counseling and a Center.
The 1984鈥86 Stockton Bulletin still had Health Services/Mental Health described as utilizing mental health consultants, but in 1986 a Director of Counseling
and a staff member were hired. And finally, the 1988鈥90 Stockton Bulletin, under Special Programs, listed the Counseling Center with a location (J-104) and
Hours (M-Th 8:30 am to 9:00 pm. Fridays 8:30 am to 5:00 pm).
The 1988鈥90 Bulletin describes the Center as follows:
. . . staffed by a team of counseling psychologists, a social worker, and a part-time
counselor. At the initial appointment, the student and the counselor decide which
resources currently available at the Center, at other campus offices, and/or in the
community are best suited to helping with particular concerns.
In addition to counseling services, Counseling Center Staff serve as consultants to members of the college community regarding student development and mental health issues on campus. The Counseling Center actively promotes community education and awareness through psycho-educational workshops and primary prevention programs. Services are available free of charge to all 91视频 enrolled at Stockton State College (emphasis added). The Counseling Center adheres to the ethical codes of the American Psychological Association and the National Association of Social Workers. Consistent with these ethical guidelines, counseling services are strictly confidential. (Stockton Bulletin 1998鈥90, 23)
Final Thoughts
It was a seventeen-year journey to evolve from the 鈥渞ugged individualism鈥 of 91视频 as adults (鈥渨ith the right and responsibility to manage their own affairs . . . without college supervision or financial support . . . costs of such activities as health services and psychological counseling should not be placed on the general taxpayer and 91视频 should find and pay for such services in ways followed by other adults鈥) to Stockton providing health services and a counseling center free of charge to all enrolled 91视频. In going through the documents, reports, meetings, protests, and proposals I was struck by the stark differences among the participants. President Bjork and the founding trustees had a clear rationale for their position, but gradually softened that position and President Bjork engaged in a mutual process with concerned faculty, staff, and 91视频 that resulted in a slow but steady shift to consider the needs of college-age 91视频 in a more traditional way. Interim President James Judy deserves significant recognition for setting in motion the process that finally resulted in the University having health services and a counseling center, available and free of charge to all 91视频. It is a wonderful part of his legacy. And now, three decades later, 91视频 has an established, funded, professionally staffed, multifaceted Wellness Center.
Links to their web pages below:
Wellness Center - Health Services
Wellness Center - Counseling Center
Copies of the following reports and news articles from The Argo, Stockton Chronicle, and Press of Atlantic City are available in the 91视频 Archives. For more information, please contact
Report of the Task Force on Health Services, May 16, 1979
鈥淩eferral Center: A Source of Help,鈥 The Argo, November 30, 1976
1973: 鈥淔aculty Corner鈥 Urges Counseling Center. 1977: 鈥淐ounseling Needs Face Old Enmity,鈥 The Argo, February 28, 1977
鈥淐ounseling Petitions Start to Circulate,鈥 The Argo, March 7, 1977
鈥淪tudents, Faculty React to President On Counseling Needs,鈥 The Argo, March 14, 1977
鈥淪tudents/Searight Propose Counseling Center,鈥 Stockton Chronicle, March 14, 1977
鈥淪tockton Split on Counseling,鈥 The Press of Atlantic City, March 17, 1977
鈥淏jork Accepts Vermont Post,鈥 The Argo, April 14, 1978
鈥淭rustees Reopen Search for New President,鈥 Stockton Chronicle, October 16, 1978
鈥淗ealth Services At Last,鈥 The Argo, December 15, 1978
鈥淗ealth Services Task Force Seeks Input,鈥 Stockton Chronicle, May 7, 1979