ࡱ> ORNg T bjbjVV 8$r<r<!2` ` 8LZ@ff(}}}???????$l}}Y}}}}}??Y}}}Z@}}}}DE}}}}}}}}}` : Teaching Observation Report Instructor:Observer:Date:Course:Core:Yes | NoClass Size: Planning and Preparation Clear, specific, and justifiable objectives: Contribution of class observed to the aims of the course: Attention to student needs: Use of instructional resources: Instruction Mode: Lecture, discussion, workshop, etc. Introduction: How is the class period set up? Motivation. Purpose. Structure forecast. Development: Parts, and the purposes of each part. Transitions among parts. Appropriate content. Effective methods. Clarity. Attentiveness to 91Ƶ. Feedback for 91Ƶ. Adaptability. Closure: Effective summary. Challenge. Direction for follow-up. Connection to future lessons. Assessment: Reflections/ plans for following classes or for revising this lesson in the future. Management Student conduct: Clarity of expectations and enforcement. Community: Relationships with and among 91Ƶ. Respect and equity. Presentation Affective qualities: Energy, confidence, warmth, etc. Actions: Pace, eye contact, voice clarity, professional appearance Intangibles Comments on Strengths and Challenges Observer signature:Instructor signature:Pre-observation meeting date:Post-observation meeting date:     Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 2 LOPSTVWbef ' * + , 8 9 = d p N O Q \ ] l  ( / n z ! 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