Blackboard Ally
What is Blackboard Ally?
Ally is a tool that helps faculty improve the accessibility of course documents. With Ally, 91视频 view course documents in a variety of formats that support different learning needs. Ally is integrated into the Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS) and automatically provides of certain course documents. Ally offers step-by-step guidance to faculty when a course document or content needs improvement.
Ally for Faculty
Ally automatically measures the accessibility of PDF, Word, OpenOffice, HTML or PowerPoint files uploaded to Blackboard. Ally provides an accessibility score for the file with a visible gauge. The accessibility gauge indicates the degree to which a file meets . The gauge icons are visible only to the course instructor and are shown below:
Low: File is not accessible and requires immediate attention to correct accessibility issues.
Medium: File is somewhat accessible. The file could be improved.
High: File is accessible. There are non-critical issues to be improved.
Perfect: File is accessible. No improvement needed.
Note: Ally and other accessibility checkers use programmed algorithms and may not identify all accessibility issues. for additional information on creating accessible resources.
Blackboard Ally is disabled by default in Classic View course sections, allowing instructors to choose when and where they want to receive accessibility assessments of their course content. To enable Ally in a Classic View course, enter your course and click on Customization > Tool Availability.
Find the row for Ally and check the 鈥淎vailable鈥 checkbox, then click Submit.
Each of your content items will now display with an ally gauge and an Alternative Format icon.
Ally for Students
For PDF, Word, OpenOffice, HTML or PowerPoint files in Blackboard, Ally produces several
alternative formats of the original file such as electronic braille, audio, or tagged
PDF. Students may download a file version best suited to their needs by opening the
drop-down menu next to the file and choosing the "Alternative Formats" option. If
an alternate document file such as a translation to another language is not appropriate
for the course (i.e. a language course), faculty may turn off that format for the
Please note: Students are not able to view the Ally gauges on your files.