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Your Responsibilities Your Academic Objectives Identify your area of healthcare interest-  HYPERLINK "/health-sciences/careers-in-healthcare.html" click here for some ideas! If your goal involves preparing for graduate school or a professional program be aware of the future admission requirements including: All pre-requisite courses Grades needed in those courses to be eligible for the post-baccalaureate program GPA requirements for acceptance into the program Understand the Program requirements Understand the Cognate requirements Make sure your selected cognates are appropriate for Your Career Goal Understand the General Studies and At-Some-Distance requirements Make sure your selected G Courses and At-Some-Distance choices are appropriate for Your Career Goal Learn the graduation requirements (G.P.A., # of credits, application process, etc.) If you want to choose a minor, meet with the specific Minor Coordinator to explore the requirements of the minor. Your Career Objectives Explore your desire/need to attend post-baccalaureate work (Graduate School or Professional Program) to meet career goals Understand the importance of keeping your GPA at 3.0 or above! Examine career opportunities and level of education required for these opportunities Become familiar with university resources, including Career Center, Writing and Math Tutoring Centers, Student Records, and Student Development offices; use them to meet your goals Be involved in extra-curricular activities Required Materials for our Precepting/Advising Meetings during Pre-registration: Please review the schedule of classes on the  HYPERLINK "https://banner.stockton.edu/StudentRegistrationSsb/ssb/term/termSelection?mode=search" Stockton registrars page. Bring information about the required pre-requisites for at least 2 post-graduate programs you are interested in applying to (eventually). If you are not planning on Graduate school, know your career goal and what courses will help you get there! Come with a written list of courses you would like to take for next semester. Your responsibility Read and respond to my emails in a timely manner Come to our meetings and/or to Preceptorial Advising Day prepared Follow through with the plans we agree on Register for classes on time Be aware of registration, drop, add, graduation dates and deadlines Email or make an appointment to meet with me if you have any questions along the way. Do not wait until registration time to meet with me. Its much better for both of us if you ask questions as they arise and get the answers quickly. Accommodations for 91Ƶ with special needs In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended and Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, 91Ƶ with a documented disability and need accommodations, are encouraged to register with the Learning Access Program (LAP). Registration for support services is strictly voluntary and on a confidential basis. Support services provided by LAP are meant to help 91Ƶ devise strategies for meeting the Universitys educational demands and to foster independence, responsibility, and self-advocacy. The Learning Access Program can be found on campus in room J-204 or online at  HYPERLINK "http://www.stockton.edu/LAP" \t "_blank" www.stockton.edu/LAP. Please call 609-652-4988 or send an email to HYPERLINK "mailto:LAP@stockton.edu" \t "_blank" LAP@stockton.edufor more information.Once you have received an accommodation letter from LAP, please contact your instructor to privately discuss your needs as soon as practical to ensure that reasonable accommodations are implemented. Ultimately, you are the person responsible for your course selections, completion of necessary requirements for graduation, and for your career and personal goals. However, I would like to help you achieve these goals! 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